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Actually, I used to have no butt. Now that I'm working out again, I can see some butt coming back =P.


Seriously, the only proven way to lose fat is proper diet and exercise. Sorry no miracle pills yet.

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does anyone know how to slim their butt? that anyone of you have a fat or big butts and want to slim it down or shrink it.

The only sure-fire way is to shake it. Shake it often. Shake it as you walk down the street.


And don't worry about all the strange looks - they won't be snickering any more when you have buns of... oh, all right... I was lying. That doesn't work.

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Well, I am submiting my patent for the miracle butt slimming machine so you will have to wait until it gets approved.


If thats you in your av anyway I don't think you have anything to worry about!

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Well, I am submiting my patent for the miracle butt slimming machine so you will have to wait until it gets approved.


If thats you in your av anyway I don't think you have anything to worry about!


what does that mean?

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You can't spot reduce fat. You can only tone in that area and hope some of the fat goes away from cardio. Why would you want a flat butt anyway? lol

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does anyone know how to slim your butt?


You can reduce the size of your butt somewhat by running in place. At the same time, you will reduce the size of other parts of your body. You may also get on a mailing list for help with penis enlargement if it's affected by your exercise...haha!

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If that is you in your avatar, I seriously doubt you have a fat butt.


Only way to make smaller is liposuction.


Tony T, is there a mailing list for flat penis folks? :lmao:

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Flat butt? That's lame! Of course, since you're a guy I won't comment on that. Girls need big bubbly butts though :)


I'd say do squats to tone it.

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Did you not read what I read?


You cannot spot reduce.


You don't need to lose weight... so I wouldn't reccommend a diet, and exercise such as running, will not make an ass flat as it would add more muscle definition.


What do you want from us!!!!!!! :laugh:

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Did you not read what I read?


You cannot spot reduce.


You don't need to lose weight... so I wouldn't reccommend a diet, and exercise such as running, will not make an ass flat as it would add more muscle definition.


What do you want from us!!!!!!! :laugh:


tips or advice in order to slim up my butt.

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Andy, your body is a whole. It's all attached. You can't fix one piece without fixing the rest. Your body's not like a table that you can saw one piece off and sand another and change its proportions. Before you were worried about growing taller. To grow up healthy, you have to eat well and exercise. Period.

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The only way to spot reduce is through lipo suction surgery. If you don't have the cash or you're smart enough not to do that the only other way to get rid of fat is to start exercising. I've never met anyone who actually wants a flat ass. To each his own I guess! :p

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I would just tone it and get it up where it belongs, walking lunges, squats!!! and the main thing, don't worry so much, people need to learn to love themselves more:love:

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