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Why Is He Ignoring Me Now?

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He used to joke with me, talk to me, smile at me, flirt with me. Lately, he can't even look me in the eye, can't say more than 5 words to me, stopped flirting, and would walk away in a hurry when I'm around. What's he trying to tell me?

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Maybe he isn't into you anymore.


Take that as a hint and as much as it hurts you - Back off and leave him alone. Let him come to you. Let him make the attempts to talk, call or email you. If he doesn't, then atleast you know what's what.


He probably is too scared to be upfront with you and tell you he isn't interested.


Do you know this guy well? Is he a person you were dating?

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Well, that's not a lot of information to go on, but it sounds like.


1. He likes you, but somehow has convinced himself that you don't feel the same way, and has given up.


2. He likes you as a friend, and enjoys your company, but somehow he feels that you want more, and he doesn't know how to deal with it (note I'm not saying he doesn't like you).


3. He is unsure of his sexuality and he's confused about how he feels.


4. He's off his meds.


5. He's tired of waiting for you to show interest and wants you to pursue him.


6. Little green men from Mars landed on his pillow and told him he'd better stop flirting with you or the supreme commander Zorg will be displeased.


7. He's met someone.


I'm in a multiple choice mood today, I dunno why....

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He used to joke with me, talk to me, smile at me, flirt with me. Lately, he can't even look me in the eye, can't say more than 5 words to me, stopped flirting, and would walk away in a hurry when I'm around. What's he trying to tell me?


Thanks for the responses. Actually, he's someone I know (my customer) who's flirted with me for months, and all of a sudden, changed as I described. I do miss the flirtations, I must admit. Did I mention that he's married? Well, he is and so am I. Sorry....

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If he is married, then that might be your answer right there. Maybe someone saw how he was flirting with you and it got back to the wife? Maybe he realized what he was doing was probably not the best thing by flirting with you. Hard to say for sure, but since he is married its for the best.






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Did I mention that he's married? Well, he is and so am I. Sorry....

BINGO!!!! He knew (as did you) that it was inappropriate behaviour for that flirting to happen...He stopped it and he did the right thing.


Sorry, you should have disclosed this info from the start. Whatever it was, was NOT love, it was flirting and that is all. DO not read into it and think anything else of it. Focus on your marriage and accept that he is doing the same.

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Whatever it was, was NOT love, it was flirting and that is all. DO not read into it and think anything else of it. Focus on your marriage and accept that he is doing the same.


Thanks for this VERY accurate analysis, I must say. Just to clarify, not once did I ever think there was LOVE involved, and knew all along that it was nothing more than flirting. I never read into it more than its face value, but I did say and admit that I do miss it now, didn't I? It was fun to go into his office for my regular sales visit and have some harmless flirting while making a sale. I merely wondered what happened that it suddenly stop with no warning. After having read your post, I say your analysis is certainly spot on!

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Little creature

It depends of what you want on a relationship. You have to options:


1.- Walk away, and let him make the first move. Try to call his attention indirectly, or any strategy based in the way you know him to make him come back to you.


2.- Talk directly to him, and let him know how are you feeling.


I rather choose number two, because that is the way i am. I hate to be measuring the power in between my relationship. I rather be honest. But i cant tell you that doesnt always work. Some guys have not enough with youre love, and they are always willing to struggle a little to have you. If you give yourself surrended, the just get bored. Its obvious i dont like that kind of men....That is your choice depending the way you are....

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