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This Girl i Know

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Ok background info: yea well im 14 & this girl i've liked for about 3 years, confuses me. On some days she'll come up and talk to me, or just give me hugs. and then others she won't talk 2 me, like she's mad at me. I like messing with her, and making her smile, and my friends mess with her to, but no matter what i say in those situations she gets mad at me. even if i defend her in some times but she's almost never mad at them, just me. Last year I jokingly started calling her my wife, and after that in classes close to the last days of school we'd be sitting by her and she would just pull my head to rest on her shoulder, and later i would return the favor, and one of my friends that i'm always with said he's willing to bet money that she likes me, but i just want other opinions.

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yea well im 14

well thats you first problem :laugh:...


like she's mad at me.

generally when a female of the species shows strong emotion towards you (both good or bad emotions) that means she likes you. :)

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Tell your friend to bet you $ 50 dollars that your girl of interest likes you . Then take your money to the bank because this girl DOES like you. She's young so that explains the waffling back and forth.

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Tell your friend to bet you $ 50 dollars that your girl of interest likes you . Then take your money to the bank because this girl DOES like you. She's young so that explains the waffling back and forth.


thanks any more opinions b4 i make my move. I'll prob. see her 2morrow though. I'll make sure to keep you guys updated thanks for the help.

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