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Seeing old boyfriend...

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I went out with an old high school boyfriend two nights ago. It wasn't so much of a date as it was a "catching up" dinner. We've been emailing back and forth about 2 years, but only saw each other once because we've lived in two different cities until just recently. When I told him that I had moved back "home," he asked me out for dinner. I was really nervous for some reason. I'd been dating the same guy on and off for 3 years, so this is new to me, even if it's not a real date. I thought it went well - we talked about old times and mostly about career/school stuff. At the end, he said hope you had fun, and I said I did, and then he said, it was nice catching up and call me sometime. I'm not sure exactly what this means. Usually, the guy will take the reins and say "I will call you at such and such time and we should go out again," or "maybe I'll call you sometime,"(if it didn't go well). He is the one who set this "date" up and paid for dinner, so does this mean he wants me to be the one to contact him next, or is he trying to see what I want? He would say on and off during the evening that all his old friends were marrying and he wanted someone to spend time with, and I echoed these things. So, I thought that we were making progress.


I did have a good time, but I wasn't able to relax until the drive home. I didn't say much because I have a lot on my mind and didn't feel comfy discussing it. He kept bringing up topics, and I tried to act interested and ask questions in return, but finally got burnt out and gave up. For instance, he had mentioned a friend of his mom's who he thought worked for a certain employer in town and was going to talk to his mom to find out more for me (I'm looking for jobs in that area), but then said he was wrong - that he didn't work for the employer after all, but some other employer. I meant to say thanks for checking anyway, but for some reason the words did not come out. I was trying to think of who the 2nd employer was and finally after the long pause said something about how connections are always good or something stupid. It's one of those things that you think about only later. We did share some good laughs and it started feeling like old times (we were pretty close in high school), but I knew he could tell that I was nervous. I know I'm probably over-analyzing it, but I was thinking that he would've emailed me by now to say he had a good time or whatever, though I know it's not really a date -he had been saying all along that he misses his friends, and wants more of a social life, etc., and I also have been feeling alone since I moved back to my hometown and was looking forward to having at least a friend to talk to. That is partly why I was so nervous. I've had lots of stuff go wrong lately and didn't want to blow it with this guy. Now, I don't know whether he's not interested, or thinks I'm not interested. So, I guess I'm looking for feedback on the situation...


Also, I think I may've placed this in the wrong forum, so I guess the moderators will move it if it belongs somewhere else (?).

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