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Do you believe in psychics?

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I had a tarot reading done today..first in many years.

The things this woman told me astounded me, to say the least!

I am involved in a troubled relationship..you can read some of my other posts to get the general idea. Mind you, I didnt say a word to this woman. I picked my 10 cards with my question in my mind. The first thing she picked up on was my boyfriend. She told me things that only I could know and feel. He had him down pat! She told me he is really confused and depressed, scared and frustrated, for many reason which I will not go into. From work, to friends to things in the past, she "knew".

She also told me that I have had to put up with a lot and that I should put my foot down. LOL! yeah right...I told her...aint gonna happen, he doesnt work that way.

Anyway, by the time the reading was done, I felt I had a lot more insight to where he is at, where I stand in all of this, and our hopeful future.

I left feeling a little more confident and secure and more atuned to his feelings and with more understanding as to why he is the way he is right now, and what has enivitably happened to our relationship, and whats left of it.

The reading lasted a little over an hour, as I kept having more questions and she did as well! In each phase of the reading and after combining all of the questions and answers, bottom line is that, in the end, she sees us together, she sees us getting past this dark phase we're in and that its going to take a lot of work and patience, but all in all, she sees us together throughout.

If this is a coax or a line of bull, then so be it. I believe in it and I dont....but for some reason today was different...and this woman was different. She knew too much....but I felt comfortable and walked away with a new outlook I am not familiar with...a positive one.


I hope she is right!

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I think there are very few psychics out there, but they do exist. The rest, about 90-95% are bull****. You know if one is a fraud when they ask for your name.

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I read tarot and I've seen some weird stuff come true. Even I try to tell myself sometimes "it's only a coincidence". But I do think there are some people that resonate closely with the world and can see/feel what others cannot.


And as long as you don't get caught up by one of those bank-draining scam artists, throwing a few bucks away on an entertaining hour is nothing, right? Have fun with it!

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My parents had it done on me when I was a younger lad, actually two that I know of and they both said the same things. Not having met me they knew some aspects of my personality and what was going on in my life; not the ones I told or showed the parents. I was away in college for one, and another when I was a baby.


I do believe them to some extent. With so many fakes; I tend to take their advice with a grain of salt and treat it like entertainment.


Now if you know of one that does take money, but rejected your money and ran away screaming in fear because of the cards you got. Screaming that you are a bad person with a bad aura. I would take that person's advice into heart. ;):laugh::lmao:

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I've never been to one, but then again I sometimes do look at dumb things like astrology and all. So I don't think I can outright dismiss them as frauds.


But I would be skeptical. I'd really like to test one out though and see how accurate they are before I dismiss them...

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I truely believe in physics not the fake ones because there are alot out there..but there are some...Proven facts that some are physics...There are just alot of people who pretend to be and it really puts a damper on us truely believing in physics...



I think tarot cards are good to read even if they aren't really true, they still can have some guidence in your life


I have some cheap tarot cards that I got from hall mark


My mom always goes to tarot cards sites...in fact I will go to one now:) haha things can always be taken as signs too

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really puts a damper on us truely believing in physics...



Well I believe in physics....I think it has done a lot for the world..


But I'm not sure how much I believe in psychics


(I'm just being lame Brittany)

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I had a tarot reading done today..first in many years.

The things this woman told me astounded me, to say the least!

I am involved in a troubled relationship..you can read some of my other posts to get the general idea. Mind you, I didnt say a word to this woman. I picked my 10 cards with my question in my mind. The first thing she picked up on was my boyfriend. She told me things that only I could know and feel. He had him down pat! She told me he is really confused and depressed, scared and frustrated, for many reason which I will not go into. From work, to friends to things in the past, she "knew".

She also told me that I have had to put up with a lot and that I should put my foot down. LOL! yeah right...I told her...aint gonna happen, he doesnt work that way.

Anyway, by the time the reading was done, I felt I had a lot more insight to where he is at, where I stand in all of this, and our hopeful future.

I left feeling a little more confident and secure and more atuned to his feelings and with more understanding as to why he is the way he is right now, and what has enivitably happened to our relationship, and whats left of it.

The reading lasted a little over an hour, as I kept having more questions and she did as well! In each phase of the reading and after combining all of the questions and answers, bottom line is that, in the end, she sees us together, she sees us getting past this dark phase we're in and that its going to take a lot of work and patience, but all in all, she sees us together throughout.

If this is a coax or a line of bull, then so be it. I believe in it and I dont....but for some reason today was different...and this woman was different. She knew too much....but I felt comfortable and walked away with a new outlook I am not familiar with...a positive one.


I hope she is right!


I am stuck in the middle of the road on this one. I always believed that there was no such thing as psychics, but I always here about things, especially things that relate to criminal cases and these psychics are correct. So if anyone has a logical explanation to this, please do share.

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My one and only experience with a tarot card reader left me with mixed thoughts.


She was very, very close in some of the things she said about me that were past and current, but as for the stuff that was to happen in the future, she was dead wrong. I mean, she couldn't have been more wrong.

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I don't think psychics can predict the future man, that's just what I think. Psychics can read minds, if anything. The future is never at a set rate, like you could have something planned for the rest of your life but it could all change in a heartbeat.

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Google "cold reading".


There's an American guy who has a $1 million prize fund that is open to the first person who can demonstrate paranormal or psychic abilities in a controlled setting. So far no one has even sat the test, let alone demonstrated enough to pass it and win the prize.


It's funny - David Copperfield saws a woman in half or makes a building disappear, and everyone just knows it's illusion & trickery. But someone says "I see you have trouble in your life - there was a difficult relationship in your past", and millions of gullible or naive people suddenly believe they have supernatural powers. I guess there really is one born every minute.

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yeah, that's james (?) randi. there's a magazine called the skeptical inquirer that looks into and debunks all sorts of paranormal, psychic, etc. stuff...randi

writes a column for the magazine every month, generally about the latest challenger to the prize.


one of the things the magazine looked into recently is the accuracy of a number of famous psychics and predictions...and the conclusion was generally that the sheer number of predictions ensures a few correct ones, which then promptly stick in the public's mind. but even the most famous psychics have been wrong much more often than they've been right - about even with chance odds. you just don't hear about the wrong predictions, because it's a lot less entertaining and it's not good news copy.


even knowing that...i won't say i don't read my horoscope, though. and i've been spooked by a tarot reader, too. that makes me an open-minded skeptic, i think. :D

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I am stuck in the middle of the road on this one. I always believed that there was no such thing as psychics, but I always here about things, especially things that relate to criminal cases and these psychics are correct. So if anyone has a logical explanation to this, please do share.


To try and explain psychic ability is difficult to the general population since most people either don't posess or recognize ( it ) or their abilities.



I have always had what they refer to as *Telepathy*. Reading vibes off people ( good or bad ) in all kinds of settings.


Just give me 5 minutes with someone and I can tell you alot. :)

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I don't believe in psychics at all. I've obliged friends who've wanted me to accompany me to see these charlatans from time to time...and I've also had a couple of readings done. Each time, by "renowned" psychics who, as far as I could see, did nothing other than subtly try to pull out information from me and come out with speculation after speculation...presumably on the basis that sooner or later they'd hit the jackpot.


Yet the friends I've gone along with always seem to have incredibly different experiences. It's like they blind themselves to any evidence that the person is a con artist. When I relate the psychic's lack of success in accurately guessing any details of my life (none of them have ever, for instance, got anywhere close to guessing what I do for a living) the blame is attributed to me. "You didn't gel with the psychic. You were closed to the experience. Maybe you're in the wrong job - yes, that's it! That's why he/she couldn't guess...bla bla yabber bla"



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hahaha....I read tarot cards. I have for many years, I got my first pack when I was around 12 and I own 3 different decks now.


I read tarot for friends all the time. I have friends call me and ask and I'm like, uh, ok. I think it's a bit of a parlor trick, myself.


Every time I do a reading the person says, oh WOW, that is so ACCURATE. How WEIRD!


But I don't feel like I'm tapping into some magical cosmic awareness or anything like that. You can always tell what that person wants/needs to hear while you do the reading. They give off a lot of body language signals, and you can totally read it in their faces.


IMO a good tarot reader is just especially perceptive and tends to pay close attention to the subtle behavioral cues that their subject gives off.

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a good tarot reader is just especially perceptive and tends to pay close attention to the subtle behavioral cues that their subject gives off.

OK, I like that, but here's another spin on it I'd like you to consider.


Does a good tarot card reader actually believe he/she is psychic but is unconsciously picking up on subtle cues sent by the subject?

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Does a good tarot card reader actually believe he/she is psychic but is unconsciously picking up on subtle cues sent by the subject?


They might. the crazy ones, ha ha ha.


I was freaked out one time, and only one time. When I was reading my own tarot and I shuffled and dealt the cards three times in a row and got the same reading.


That was really weird.

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LOL I have tried to do Tarot for myself in the past not so lucky but I have had them done for me and had interesting results, my most amazing reading was a Coffee cup reading.


I was told a bunch of basic general stuff and then this tidbit (this is Summer 2003) that she saw me holding a girl baby on christmas day, as if she were just born. My neice was born christmas eve so I told her that and said that must be it she SWORE nope it's MY baby... My oldest child was born Christmas Day 2004.... FYI... coincidence.. perhaps but surely a very odd one... I think some ppl have the gift.

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I used to work with someone who was psychic. She was another teacher in the building, and when I was hanging out with her, she would tell me things that were true, either about my family (things she'd never know) or about my future or friends. Pretty spooky.


With other psychics, I've found that what they give is a version of the truth. You can call 3 psychics, get 3 different readings, and find that what they tell you is their own perspective on what is happening in your life. It's almost like they mix their own personality into what they're reading. So, it's not always exact, but just a version of the truth according to them. however, I have found accuracy to be about 75%, but the 25% that is not accurate can be devastating. Proceed with extreme caution.


The best psychic, you'll find, is your dreams. I have gotten more exact information from the correct interpretation of my dreams, right down to the small details sometimes. You have to pay attention to them and work with them, and you'll see, they are truly revealing. Ask a question before you drift off....pay attention....you will dream the answer...it may take a few nights but it's infallible.

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I am stuck in the middle of the road on this one. I always believed that there was no such thing as psychics, but I always here about things, especially things that relate to criminal cases and these psychics are correct. So if anyone has a logical explanation to this, please do share.


I've also heard that police use psychics in their investigations. I decided to use google in my investigations.


Note to mods...this is a law enforcement website, not a commercial one...




A large number of officers completed questionnaires stating that yes, they did use psychics, but the responses don't indicate that the psychics turned out to be of any obvious value to the investigations. Nonetheless, many officers appear to be content to carry on pouring taxpayers' funds into these con artists' pockets.


Logical explanation for this kind of thing (taken from another thread)




Is there a resemblance to the alleged murderer? I must confess that I am struggling to see it. I think there's probably about as much resemblance as the viewer would like there to be.


Whenever I've encountered a "psychic" they've tried to flatter me out of my not so subtle skepticism by suggesting that I too have "the gift". From talking to people who believe in it, it sounds as if a lot of people have been talked round by that particular method. Nothing like appealing to a person's vanity to get them to think your way.


Seriously though...after reading the number of opinions from people who genuinely believe in this bunkum, I'm considering actually pursuing my "gift" and setting up shop as a psychic. Next to no overheads, no start up costs other than a pack of cards a few glittery bits of material and some crystal jewellery. £20 for half an hour of subtle fishing and observation, before telling the person whatever they want to hear. Sounds like fun and easy money.

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I've also heard that police use psychics in their investigations. I decided to use google in my investigations.


Note to mods...this is a law enforcement website, not a commercial one...




A large number of officers completed questionnaires stating that yes, they did use psychics, but the responses don't indicate that the psychics turned out to be of any obvious value to the investigations. Nonetheless, many officers appear to be content to carry on pouring taxpayers' funds into these con artists' pockets.


Logical explanation for this kind of thing (taken from another thread)




Is there a resemblance to the alleged murderer? I must confess that I am struggling to see it. I think there's probably about as much resemblance as the viewer would like there to be.


Whenever I've encountered a "psychic" they've tried to flatter me out of my not so subtle skepticism by suggesting that I too have "the gift". From talking to people who believe in it, it sounds as if a lot of people have been talked round by that particular method. Nothing like appealing to a person's vanity to get them to think your way.


Seriously though...after reading the number of opinions from people who genuinely believe in this bunkum, I'm considering actually pursuing my "gift" and setting up shop as a psychic. Next to no overheads, no start up costs other than a pack of cards a few glittery bits of material and some crystal jewellery. £20 for half an hour of subtle fishing and observation, before telling the person whatever they want to hear. Sounds like fun and easy money.


Thanks Lindya, that really does help me put things into perspective.


For every case that we hear about a psychic supposedly solving a case, there is probably about 20-30 that they were wrong about.


When was that drawing made? IMHO, that does resemble the killer of JonBenet.


I fully support your opening of a psychic shop.

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hahaha....I read tarot cards. I have for many years, I got my first pack when I was around 12 and I own 3 different decks now.


I read tarot for friends all the time. I have friends call me and ask and I'm like, uh, ok. I think it's a bit of a parlor trick, myself.


Every time I do a reading the person says, oh WOW, that is so ACCURATE. How WEIRD!


But I don't feel like I'm tapping into some magical cosmic awareness or anything like that. You can always tell what that person wants/needs to hear while you do the reading. They give off a lot of body language signals, and you can totally read it in their faces.


IMO a good tarot reader is just especially perceptive and tends to pay close attention to the subtle behavioral cues that their subject gives off.


Ding! Ding! Ding! Exactly!!


I've done some tarot card studying and reading - basically, the cards have a bunch of different symbols on them and can mean any number of things. Each of the symbols offers a concept or idea to consider, and the good readers are adept at reading the person as well as the symbols on the cards.


Those readings that last hours are mostly a dialogue with the reader pointing out some concepts and issues, then reading the responses of the person, and developing the concepts further so they make sense to the person.


I find tarot great for self-examination and mediation purposes, like if I have a dilemma or question about my own life. Each card gives me a different perspective on my dilemma to consider, and by approaching the issue from different angles, I can understand what I really think and which way I really want to go with it.


As far as prediction goes, however, it's mostly an educated guess based on what they perceive about a person from their reactions to the cards.

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When was that drawing made? IMHO, that does resemble the killer of JonBenet.


It's a face....I'll concur with that!


I fully support your opening of a psychic shop.


I see some truly marvellous things for Riddler in the last few months of 2006, I really do! For some reason, the letter E is coming through loud and clear..and a large-breasted woman is trying to pass a message through. Something about money...it's not quite clear. Does this ring any bells for you?


Riddler, it's been a difficult year for you in some ways, but well done... you've pulled through the worst of it now, and learned some valuable lessons that are going to stand you in good stead for some of the exciting challenges you will face during the remainder of this year and at the start of next.


You're a caring individual, Riddler, and at times people have attempted to take advantage of this. You must somehow guard against this, whilst hanging onto those vulnerable aspects that make you so special. Luckily, despite being a warm and empathic individual, you're nobody's fool..and some of the harsher lessons you've learned over the past year have left you with an increased ability to sort out the wheat of humanity from the chaff.


I actually sense a certain spirituality about you. Have you ever considered going into a healing profession? I think as time goes by, spirituality will become more and more important in your life. You also need to live near water, I think.


One note of caution. Beware of strongly jawed men offering you crimson drinks. Now cross my palm with silver, you lucky, lucky man!

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