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Abuse Resource Page...Help!! Contribute?


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As the result of my sadness about the level of knowledge about abuse out there, I've decided to start a resource page. Where I live we have a very good women's shelter and transitional housing (job programs also) program and I know there are more out there like it. If you have ANY good info about abuse (sexual, physical, emotional, or otherwise)please send it to me at: <e-mail address removed> or <e-mail address removed> I will be checking everything that I put up so if you think it's worthwhile but are not sure about the content, give the info to me anyway. I'm looking for anything, good webpages, books, 800 lines, trauma centers, etc. If you have one in your town or a good one in your state, send me the info on those also! I'm looking for everything and anything. Please help.


Thank you...

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As the result of my sadness about the level of knowledge about abuse out there, I've decided to start a resource page. Where I live we have a very good women's shelter and transitional housing (job programs also) program and I know there are more out there like it. If you have ANY good info about abuse (sexual, physical, emotional, or otherwise)please send it to me at: <e-mail address removed> or <e-mail address removed> I will be checking everything that I put up so if you think it's worthwhile but are not sure about the content, give the info to me anyway. I'm looking for anything, good webpages, books, 800 lines, trauma centers, etc. If you have one in your town or a good one in your state, send me the info on those also! I'm looking for everything and anything. Please help. Thank you...



Thanks for your continual support on the LoveTalk! If you'd like, we'd be happy to work with you to create such a resource on LoveShack.org. We're in the process of recreating most of our site from scratch so now would be the perfect opportunity to create a section such as that. If you're interested in working with us to create a resource such as the one you described on our servers, we'd be more than happy to help out. We have a number of advanced capabilities that we could put to use to create and maintain an easy-to-use, updated online resource. Let me know here or via e-mail.





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Thank you for the great suggestion. I mailed you about this but I wanted to make sure you got a response. Your idea is awesome. Mail me if you want to talk more about it.



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