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Ok, so I have been with my girlfriend for 9 months and got engaged last month. But I just found out that she used to sleep with guys just so they would buy her beer so she could get drunk, and this happened every week for 3 years, she does not even know how many guys she slept with, and I think she has cheated on me. This really breaks my heart because i realy love her but I dont know if I can live with someone like that. She says she has stopped doing that but i dont know.


Should I stay with her or must I break up with her ?


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People change, but if your going to hold it against her then its better to let her find someone who doesnt mind her past.


What makes you think she cheated on you? This is more of an issue because it obviously would mean that she hasn't changed at least until very recently and obviously betrayed you & your relationship.


At least she was honest enough not to marry you without telling you everything about her. Honesty is a huge thing in a marriage and she has shown maturity by telling you. However, fidelity is, needless to say, essential in a marriage so you need to find out if she has been unfaithful.


You have to work out how you feel and whether you can let this go, and - whether you believe your fiance will be faithful to you.

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I certainly hope you have had her tested for STD's. With a track record like this and the fact that you think she has already cheated on you; why in the hell would you even think about marriage? Why would you wish to settle for this. How can you possible feel special?

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Ok, so I have been with my girlfriend for 9 months and got engaged last month.

You're kidding, right?


You got engaged 8 months after you met?


Migawd, man, give your head a shake!

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What superconductor said... Even with a near-perfect woman you are bold for getting engaged after 9 months.


Yes, the story you tell sounds pretty gross -- that would be a deal killer for me, even without the infidelity.

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People change. I used to be a cheater when i was younger but as i grew older i grew out of cheating and when i started getting more serious retalationships it was easy not to cheat and be the way i use to be.

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Thats dandy and all that cheaters can change. The question is, can this guy now get the image of his gf banging guys for beer out of his mind? Thats borderline prostitution, and just not someone I'd wanna share my life with, not someone I'd wanna have kids with. People never really consider their slutty behavior will have consequences later on in life



This is why I wont be with someone who requires more than 2 hands to count their number of partners

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