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Is it wrong to......

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No offense meant but I'm just wondering is it still wrong to think (within myself that is) that there are other guys a bit more attractive than my b/f. From 1-10, I would say my b/f is 7-8 and other guys I seen at my work were 9's.

Well see, I work as cashier at my campus and starting to meet a few people. Well me and the other cashier were talking the other day and I made a comment about how this guy was more cuter than my b/f and try to flirt with these other guys making funny statements.

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There will always be people who are more attractive than our SO. The real problem is if you love your boyfriend or care about him enough to respect how he looks and not flirt with other guys. How serious is this bf of yours?

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But see I'm not in love, thus I don't really love him but do have a crush on him and like hanging out with him, kissing/making-out with him. Then again, it's only been a week since we're exclusive.

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Well it's not wrong to think something that is true. So if your bf is not better looking than every other guy on the planet, then of course sometimes you're gonna see guys who rate a bit higher. Just be sensitive about how your bf, and other people, might react if you state it too openly.


Secondly, I'd be a bit careful about flirting with other people if you are in an "exclusive" relationship. Quite a few guys will consider that a good reason to break things off.

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