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bros before hos except reverse it

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My friend has a thing for a guy. She hasn't straight out said it, but I sense it. Of course she's known the guy for awhile and she mentioned she drunkenly made out with him once back in the day.


Ugh. The point. Went out with a group of people including them. Guy starts talking to me because we're both having a crappy time. Friend is off dancing with people. She sees us, gets mad and won't talk to me. I get mad and leave to get a taxi. Well the guy follows me and instead of telling him to go away we end up going for a walk around the city. Why? Because the taxi was scary and it was nice to talk to someone sane for a change.


And it was so nice! Like a scene out of movie. We get totally lost, it starts raining and we're stuck under scaffolding to keep dry. Of course we kiss. Stayed there till 4am just talking and kissing. And he was such a gentleman! None of that wandering hands stuff. Afterwards we shared a taxi, he refused to let me pay for my half and went back to his place. So aside from the kissing it was a totally innocent evening.


I have this feeling that it was such a wrong thing to do. But I just want to say f*ck it. I haven't felt like this in so long. But then I feel bad for her and I guess I should've thought of that earlier. But really...is it wrong? I mean he isn't her property. And he isn't interested in her. ugh. Or maybe I'm just trying to justify my bad decision making.

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