Guest Posted August 28, 2006 Share Posted August 28, 2006 I just dated this girl for 2 months and everything went really good from the beginning untill a few stupid little arguements kept filling up. Lately she began to hangout more with her friends unlike before when I used to date her she oftens hangsout with her family and my friends. She distant her self from her sister which is my friend that hooked me up with her. From the beginning she really liked me alot and oftens talks about me. But ever since she got stressed out thinking of going back to university and student loan, she started being short tempered and oftens make a big arguement if I said something she doesn't like. One day we had an arguement because I asked her why shes acting so cold to me lately and grumpy. She reasoned out about her being stressed out. I asked her if theres more to it, and I asked her if her feelings for me totally changed lately. She didn't answer that question, then I asked her if Im giving her soo much stress she didn't answer that question either. Then I asked her if she wants to stay friends for a while just to sort things out. She nodded her head. I didn't call her for 2 days and I found out that she spent most of her time hanging out with her friends. Before when we were together, she never get any calls from her friends and she never talks or hangout with them only like once a week. I acted like a friend to her after I talked to her on the 4th day when we went out for a drink just for an hour. She seems distant and I tried avoiding talking about us. Then on day 6 after me and my friends went to the bar, I tried talking asking her if she have time to talk for a bit. She said no cuz she was tired. She called me early the next day which is kinda unexpeted cuz she hardly return my calls since we broke up. She asked me if I wanna talk. I picked her up and we went to the park and just talk. I told her that I understand that theres alot of things going on with her life right now and shes stressed out. I told her how much I care about her and I will be there for her when she needs me, but I also asked her if she would still give me a 2nd chance. Then she asked me in a questioning tone of voice "would like me to try again?" I said " please?" she said "ok fine! I'll try again, but I can't guarantee you anything and dont expect anything!" I asked her if she thinks it is worth to try again. She honestly told me that she doesnt have feelings for me. :'(. but she will try. I asked whats the reason why she lost her feelings for me so easily, but she doesnt wanna tell me. How could she lost her feelings for me like that quick for just stupid little things that are not even concerning trust issues? I often say sorry whenever she cried and make her feel better after even if its not really my fault. Im being so nice to her even her sister and her friends knows that. She've been dating jack ass and jerks before she met me, but the biggest concern is her first ex bf for 3 yrs that she really loved to death and almost made her commit suicide. She told me sumtin that she doesnt want me to say to anybody, she said that the reason why she doesn't love me is because she's still inlove with someone. I asked her who, but she didnt wanna say who it is. I asked her if its still possible for her to get back with him, she said no. So I assume that was her first ex bf. After that shes getting alot of calls from her friends and theres one guy that called her asking if she wants to go out later. I began to think that maybe she started hooking up with someone else after we broke up. Now Im not sure if shes trying to get back with her ex bf for 3yrs. What confuses me is why she never tells me from the beginning that she's still inlove with her ex bf. Im also thinking that she wants to date some other guys. I asked her if she wants to date some other guys right at this moment, but she is denying it. I told her I know where I stand right now so she can tell me anything I needed to know even if its gonna hurt me. Now I dont know what to do. Should I just wait for her call when she wants to talk to me and when she needs me? or should I just stay friends with her and slowly start from the beginning and observe if her feelings will start to come back? It feels like im clinging to a single strand of hair just to find out if there is a chance for me to get her back. I don't wanna lose her cuz I valued the friendship between me and her older sister. I know that shes hanging with the wrong crowd and taking advices from her friends who has a messed up relationships at the moment, instead of her family and older sister who been thru this situations before and helped her cope with her previous heart breaks. Plz. help me out with this people. Thank you in advance. Link to post Share on other sites
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