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She should make up her mind

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Why can't she make up her mind, and go a little faster. She likes me but doesn't want to admit it. We always hang out and she likes to take things slow. This is too slow for me and I would like to move on but I don't want to leave her. I am the type of person who needs patience right now!!



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My very best wishes to you for more patience. And don't should on her. She has no obligation to behave as you desire her to do so. She will make up her mind in her own good time. If it's not fast enough for you, you also have a mind you can make up.


Have a great weekend.

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If you have patience, than you have time for her to make up her mind. Right?


Why can't she make up her mind, and go a little faster. She likes me but doesn't want to admit it. We always hang out and she likes to take things slow. This is too slow for me and I would like to move on but I don't want to leave her. I am the type of person who needs patience right now!! moe
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