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why do taken men look at porn??

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Last time he watched porn was 8 months ago......


Or so you know. Why would he tell you the truth with the way you freak about it?

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I wasn't trying to be rude or anything to you. I am just very frustrated by the number of people here who seem to want me to be ok with my boyfriend's "uncontrollable" desire to sleep around.


I agree thats its pretty crapy but ive come to deal with it.I dont like the porn but occasionally if he uses it then im not going to go off on one at him because i know it wont ge me anywhere.I actually watched a porn video and found that even though i dislike porn it actualy did turn me on abit.I think when i was growing up i came to the conclusion that porn wasnt right so my head won and told me not to carry on watching it even though i did find it a turn on.

When i looked at some of the women on it i found that they was kind of plain looking!


I know im not stunning and i never will be but someone once told me that there was something about me that made me attractive.I actually felt pretty for a change.


I remember that i used to be so upset because my bf thought brittney spears was gorgeous.i hated it when she was on tv.Then one day i saw her in a magazine without make up omg she looked abit rough.My bf saw it and he agrees.It sounds awful but it made me feel a little better not just because she looked awful but because of the fact that no one is perfect.Not even the most glamourous celebs.


I used to constantly ask him if he met brittney spears if hed choose her over me.He always said no but i couldnt believe that.I kept thinking you said she was gorgeous you must like her over me!


Im glad that im not like that anymore.It drove me mad worrying who he was thinking about sleeping with!Now i try not to think about it.To me theres alot more important things to worry about.Like my son.I make myself look as nice as i possibly can.Every woman likes to look nice.If my man doesnt appreciate me then i can always find someone who will!



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Last time he watched porn was 8 months ago......


I don't think you necessarily have to accept his porn habit - that wasn't what I was saying. I think you've done the right thing by talking to him about it. If you can do it in a mature, non-hostile way but one which conveys to him that you feel hurt by it and that it has the potential to damage your relationship, I think you can get him to respect your point of view and eventually stop watching.


I guess I was just reacting to what appeared to be a knee-jerk reaction to it. I don't think ultimatums are good in relationships unless diplomacy has failed.

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Ideas pertaining to a) what constitutes gratifying sex and b) the sorts of women who are able to give/endulge in gratifying sex. Which leads to him putting more pressure on me to perform in the role of a sex object. I can't live up to these expectations, and besides, what if I simply don't LIKE his ideas?! Unfortunately one very pertinent example springs to mind here. When we were together my (now) ex got the bright idea from one of his dumb porno flicks that double penetration looked like fun. So he goes out and buys me a couple of giant dildo and proceeds to inform me in middle of sex one night "Now, I want you to practise with these when I'm not here. It looks like a lot of fun and one day we might even get to do it for real!"


I was absolutely mortified.


To cut a long story short, the dildos nearly ended up being shoved deeply into HIS nether regions - and not in a sexual manner either.


Anyway, guys shouldn't need porn to give them ideas on how to have sex! I was under the assumption that this is something they're born with. If they can't use their own brains and sex drive to figure out how to have sex, then they need to consult a doctor, not a porn magazine!


I guess you've never had sex with an inexperienced guy before... a lot of girls that have been awkwardly fumbled with and left to ask themselves "is that it?" can tell you in no uncertain terms that guy are not born knowing how to be good lovers. Neither are girls.


For the record, some girls actually do enjoy double penetration. Some girls enjoy other activities featured in porn. And some girls just enjoy playing around and trying anything that doesn't look too dangerous or painful just for the sheer dirty fun of it.


And some girls need to get the big stick out of their asses and approach sex as a chance to play together and try to please each other instead of a situation where the girl is supposed to keep a guy "in line" and stop him from doing "disgusting things" to her.


Let's be honest here. HE'S he one reaping the benefits! YOU'RE the one 'reaping' nothing more than what a blow-up doll reaps, which is impersonal sex and a big wad of cum.


I just find it very difficult to understand how him getting horny over porn models can benefit ME. I find it insulting, demeaning and extremely unsatisfying to be thrown on my back and humped over and over without any regard for my feelings and my enjoyment.


Maybe he needs better videos? The ones I watch show a woman jumping right in there and enthusiastically participating and doing naughty things to him for the sheer dirty fun of it, and having him doing things to her that get her motor running and drive her into a sexual frenzy.


For the record, I'd much rather watch a video like that than try to have sex with a woman that'll get hung up on whether my thoughts are pure enough before she'll deign to let me touch her, and will get all indignant if I even think about trying any sexual activity that she doesn't consider "proper".

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Jersey Shortie

God, this turned into a man-hating rant in a hurry.


Since you directed this to my post, please point out what was "man-hating" about my post and why. It has been my experiences that this is the argument a man falls back on when he has nothing else to go on. I certainly don't hate men. I love them. I just wish they cared about their women a little more.


I am aware of men's negative traits. YES. men have them so why can't men ever admit to them? And this is a deep one. If you can't handle that there ARE things about women that effect them deeply and not postivitly and can't be man enough to admit that, then that is unfortunate.





Face it: you're insecure.


You're insecure about your own body, which is why you find porn threatening.



So what??????? SO what if she is insecure. Do you know how hard it is for woman to want to feel beautiful and try to be beautiful. Only to have their own boyfriends seeking out something they can't ever hope to look like while men sit back and say " too bad, that is my fantasy, that is what I really want in a woman". NO. YOU DON'T. So many women get insecure about porn because it knows how to extort deep into exactly the things that women are inherently insecure about. Their body and how men preserve them. You can't expect to have this image of woman that men keep throwing at normal everyday woman and not expect there to be a backlash for the way men disregard the real woman in their life for a woman, an image, that could care less if he gets hit by a bus tomorrow or not.


Lets make a mutil million dollar industry directed to the things men are inherently insecure of. Lets have women masturbating to those things and spending 3-4 times a week actively seeking it out. (And if you think there are note things men are inherently insecure about then you are only fooling yourself). Then lets see if men question their place in their woman's life.


The truth is women have nothing comparable to porn. You want to throw the "your just insecure" card down you go ahead. You jsut remember how you and other men contribuate to making your woman feel like less of a human being, less then sexy just so you can feel like more of a man the 2 seconds you got your penis in your hand and a goofy smile on your face.

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So what??????? SO what if she is insecure.


Insecurity sucks. Trust me as someone who had an extremely insecure ex, as well as having been insecure about my own appearence in the past. It's not a good character trait, period.


Do you know how hard it is for woman to want to feel beautiful and try to be beautiful. Only to have their own boyfriends seeking out something they can't ever hope to look like while men sit back and say " too bad, that is my fantasy, that is what I really want in a woman". NO. YOU DON'T.


But porn is more than just about other women. This is the problem. Or at least part of it. I think some women are so wrapped up in their own insecurities that they can't see the forest from the trees.


Porn is about sex. It's about getting people off. I have porn that I think is particularly hot, even though the women aren't all that attractive. In fact, I tend to prefer amateur porn where the people aren't those big-boobed bimbos. Why? Because I watch it for the sex, not the women. And I find low-budget sex to be hotter than the dressed-up phony "big budget" porn.


It's also about fantasy. But fantasy is more than just other women. It can be about certain fetishes or scenarios. Sometimes I watch fat chick porn. Sometimes I watch mature porn. Sometimes I watch tranny porn. Doesn't mean I actually want a fat chick, old woman or a tranny. It's just a way of exploring a certain fetish or whatever.


Granted, each situation is different. If the guy is whacking off to high-quality airbrushed models, then yeah, that's one thing. But if he's whacking off to a midget banging some 60 year old fat chick.... I doubt it's your body that's the issue.

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It has been my experiences that this is the argument a man falls back on when he has nothing else to go on. I certainly don't hate men. I love them. I just wish they cared about their women a little more.


I am aware of men's negative traits. YES. men have them so why can't men ever admit to them? And this is a deep one. If you can't handle that there ARE things about women that effect them deeply and not postivitly and can't be man enough to admit that, then that is unfortunate.


Wow, a lot of generalizing and stereotyping going on here. You're assuming almost if not all men have the same negative traits almost if not all women are bothered by the same things.


Since the subject is porn, guess what...many women aren't bothered by porn and watch it with their bfs or themselves. I think alot more are bothered by it in the US than Europe maybe that has to do with certain stuck up concepts in your society.


So what??????? SO what if she is insecure.


Lets make a mutil million dollar industry directed to the things men are inherently insecure of. Lets have women masturbating to those things and spending 3-4 times a week actively seeking it out. (And if you think there are note things men are inherently insecure about then you are only fooling yourself). Then lets see if men question their place in their woman's life.


The truth is women have nothing comparable to porn. You want to throw the "your just insecure" card down you go ahead. You jsut remember how you and other men contribuate to making your woman feel like less of a human being, less then sexy just so you can feel like more of a man the 2 seconds you got your penis in your hand and a goofy smile on your face.


Well if someone is insecure they need to work on it because it's not healthy at all and it's an issue they need to fix, instead of changing the world around them to fit their insecurities.


Women have plenty of porn to watch too, you're making it sound like it's an industry for men which is bull, there are all types of porn out there for everyone no matter what your kink is.

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So what??????? SO what if she is insecure. Do you know how hard it is for woman to want to feel beautiful and try to be beautiful. Only to have their own boyfriends seeking out something they can't ever hope to look like while men sit back and say " too bad, that is my fantasy, that is what I really want in a woman".


I remember frequently reading derogatory comments about Madonna by male journalists - even when she was in her heyday. She was a perfectly pretty woman, but quite a few guys seemed to feel a sense of indignation that someone who wasn't stunningly beautiful should have the confidence to portray herself as such an icon of sexuality. It's the same story with a lot of pretty but not spectacular women in the public eye. "Who does she think she is??? She's not even all that hot!"


Life is full of people building eachother up then tearing eachother down. You can spend your life passively praying for the good opinions of other people, or you can take a tip from Madonna, decide to put on your best show - and screw anyone (not literally) who says it isn't good enough.

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Blame evolution.


Fair enough. But then it's only fair to blame jealousy on evolution. My dog is the sweetest dog in the world, but he'd still turn into a bloodthirsty hellhound when my ex would bring his dog over. I don't tell my dog "just get over your insecurities or i'll have you put down" though.


When i looked at some of the women on it i found that they was kind of plain looking!


So did I - until my bf admitted to me (referring to a particular dvd he'd just bought) "I only got that one coz it's got ugly chicks so you won't get jealous" :mad: I admit some of the actresses aren't that hot, but lets be honest, they're in the minority. Even if some don't have pretty faces, they usually make up for it by having incredibly hot bodies that men obviously prefer. Men can be deceitful too - I went through a stage where I was a little more lenient with him watching porn because I was lulled into a false sense of security by the standard of the porn he kept at my place and watched with me. The chicks weren't by any means unnattractive but they varied a lot in body type, looks etc. I felt less self-conscious and was foolish enough to even start believing that he found them a turn-on. Then one day he was at work and locked his keys inside his car, so I had to go over to his house, find the hidden door key, and grab him his spare set of car keys. Yes, I did snoop - all the porn at HIS house involved tall, blonde, hot-bodied girls and not much variation. I wanted to slash my wrists :( .



I know im not stunning and i never will be but someone once told me that there was something about me that made me attractive.I actually felt pretty for a change.


What, the old 'X-factor' I'll bet? I've had that one said to me as well. It's very hurtful and insulting. Sorry to dissapoint you but it basically translates to "your butt is too fat, little, your face is a tiny bit outta proportion, and you should wear more appropriate clothing ot cover up your stretchmarks. However you have a couple of unique personality traits that, combined with an overall body fat loss of at least 15%, would make you almost shaggable..." If someone wants to compliment you on something, most of the time it's the obvious feature like "s*** you've got good legs!" or "you're so beautiful". If they cant find one of these, it's the old "there's just something about you" line and another round of lies. Trust me, I've learned the hard way by hearing it from inarticulate creeps who'd simply blurt it out in a less-than-eloquent way; "Well, youre not like, model-quality 'hot', but you're still an attractive woman".


can tell you in no uncertain terms that guy are not born knowing how to be good lovers. Neither are girls.


I didn't say that they were. I'm saying that it's silly trying to use the excuse that the ideas people get from porn make sex sooooo significantly better that it justifies its use. Having sex with someone who's trying to imitate what they've seen in porn is impersonal, contrived and enormously theatrical. In short - laughable. :laugh:


And some girls need to get the big stick out of their asses and approach sex as a chance to play together and try to please each other instead of a situation where the girl is supposed to keep a guy "in line" and stop him from doing "disgusting things" to her.


Well you have very little chance of pleasing ME by making ME feel uncomfortable and unnattractive when I'M meant to be enjoying MYSELF and whats more *chokes back disbelieving laugh* returning the favour to YOU!


Maybe he needs better videos? The ones I watch show a woman jumping right in there and enthusiastically participating and doing naughty things to him for the sheer dirty fun of it, and having him doing things to her that get her motor running and drive her into a sexual frenzy.


There's nothing wrong with his videos. There's something wrong with his SO though. If I were that hot, I'd be enthusiastic and hell-bent on dirty fun as well.


For the record, I'd much rather watch a video like that than try to have sex with a woman that'll get hung up on whether my thoughts are pure enough before she'll deign to let me touch her, and will get all indignant if I even think about trying any sexual activity that she doesn't consider "proper".


Yes because that's how real-life women should be right??? Totally devoid of feelings, choices and rights and what's more dying to spread their legs for you in new and kinky ways 24/7. And if you think i'm the prim and 'proper' sort, then you have a LOT to learn about me.


Insecurity sucks. Trust me as someone who had an extremely insecure ex, as well as having been insecure about my own appearence in the past. It's not a good character trait, period


What, specifically, is a 'good' character trait as opposed to a 'bad' one?! To me, most people who make those sorts of judgements usually display the character trait of 'sheer ignorance'.


Character traits are neutral. They can be used to benefit yourself and others, just as they can be used in the opposite way - think of traits like 'critical', 'tolerant', 'sensitive' and 'carefree'. These things can work to your favour or to your detriment. What people don't seem to realise is that character/personality traits aren't like treatable diseases that can be medicated with the words "get over it". You cannot CURE someone of their CHARACTER! You can however, work with your SO and their various traits, to help them make the best of these things you regard to be 'flaws'. Insecurity is a perfect example. If handled with compassion and understanding, it can be used beneficially. But if it goes the other way, it can do some pretty severe damage.


But porn is more than just about other women. This is the problem. Or at least part of it. I think some women are so wrapped up in their own insecurities that they can't see the forest from the trees.


But women are The Main Attraction when it comes to porn. They can make or break a scene. Nobody really cares too much what the guys in the movie look like, or what they're doing, and you can only have so many variations on a theme when it comes to sex positions. without the attractive woman/en factor, porn would be like a fair with no rides, a car race with no high-speed crashes, or a bachelor party with no strippers...

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What people don't seem to realise is that character/personality traits aren't like treatable diseases that can be medicated with the words "get over it". You cannot CURE someone of their CHARACTER! You can however, work with your SO and their various traits, to help them make the best of these things you regard to be 'flaws'. Insecurity is a perfect example. If handled with compassion and understanding, it can be used beneficially. But if it goes the other way, it can do some pretty severe damage.


Indeed. Like I said, I used to be quite insecure. The cure for insecurity is to build confidence. I wouldn't say I'm completely secure at this point, but I have a lot less insecurity and a lot more self-confidence. It is something that can be worked on.


What I take issue with are the people that are like, "I'm insecure, so what!" Some people don't seem to want to take responsibility for that. I'm not saying that some onus does not fall on their SO's to be supportive and what-not. But it can't all be about the SO's behavior.


That was my point.


But women are The Main Attraction when it comes to porn. They can make or break a scene. Nobody really cares too much what the guys in the movie look like, or what they're doing, and you can only have so many variations on a theme when it comes to sex positions. without the attractive woman/en factor, porn would be like a fair with no rides, a car race with no high-speed crashes, or a bachelor party with no strippers...


I disagree. I've watched porn with very attractive women that I found incredibly boring, while on the flipside I've seen porn with relatively unattractive women, yet found quite arousing. I can't quite put my finger on the "X" factor that makes or breaks a scene for me, but it doesn't depend on the appearence of the woman.

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men are visual creatures. I don't see the biggy with them watching porn unless it's like an addiction or something. I'm a female and I own a few videos..

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What, the old 'X-factor' I'll bet? I've had that one said to me as well. It's very hurtful and insulting. Sorry to dissapoint you but it basically translates to "your butt is too fat, little, your face is a tiny bit outta proportion, and you should wear more appropriate clothing ot cover up your stretchmarks. However you have a couple of unique personality traits that, combined with an overall body fat loss of at least 15%, would make you almost shaggable..." If someone wants to compliment you on something, most of the time it's the obvious feature like "s*** you've got good legs!" or "you're so beautiful". If they cant find one of these, it's the old "there's just something about you" line and another round of lies. Trust me, I've learned the hard way by hearing it from inarticulate creeps who'd simply blurt it out in a less-than-eloquent way; "Well, youre not like, model-quality 'hot', but you're still an attractive woman".



Maybe it was my personality he was refering to.Whats the point in being totally gorgeous and having no personality.Someone can be the most gorgeous woman in the world but she will get wrinkles her skin will go saggy and she will lose her looks.Your personality stays with you.Ive always been told my sister is prettier than me.Once a lad dumped me for my sister.When i asked why he said she was better looking but i had the better personality.As far as im concerned he is the loser!They didnt last long anyway he dumped her when a better model came along!What person wants someone like that!


He is the one with the issues not me.I think he will end up a very sad and lonely man!more fool him :)

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I didn't say that they were. I'm saying that it's silly trying to use the excuse that the ideas people get from porn make sex sooooo significantly better that it justifies its use. Having sex with someone who's trying to imitate what they've seen in porn is impersonal, contrived and enormously theatrical. In short - laughable. :laugh:


No more than any sort of experimentation in the bedroom (or on the table or couch or whatever) is going to be. There's a whole lot of "put your leg there... no there... wait, it slipped out... hey that's the wrong hole" involved. One thing I was able to take away from porn is "hey, it is possible to make it work like that!" and try it again. Just because you didn't see it in a video doesn't mean it isn't going to be "impersonal, contrived, and enormously theatrical" or "laughable" until you both figure out how to do it right.


But you have to go through the experimentation sometimes, or you'll spend your whole life doing it the exact same way every time. And who wants that?


Well you have very little chance of pleasing ME by making ME feel uncomfortable and unnattractive when I'M meant to be enjoying MYSELF and whats more *chokes back disbelieving laugh* returning the favour to YOU!


Well, not everything he does is about you. A guy can find several women physically attractive at once. He can find several completely different body types attractive at once. And he may enjoy the chance to see those body types in the throes of passion without actually cheating on you, and without finding you the least bit unattractive.


There's nothing wrong with his videos. There's something wrong with his SO though. If I were that hot, I'd be enthusiastic and hell-bent on dirty fun as well.


Why the hell can't you be enthusiastic and hell-bent on dirty fun just because you don't look like a porn star? Isn't the fact that you find him attractive enough to get your motor running? Why ruin it for him because you don't approve of the body he wants to ravage? Why worry about all the other different body types that he might like, when it's physically impossible for any woman to be all of them at once and he presumably knows and accepts that?


Yes because that's how real-life women should be right??? Totally devoid of feelings, choices and rights and what's more dying to spread their legs for you in new and kinky ways 24/7. And if you think i'm the prim and 'proper' sort, then you have a LOT to learn about me.


Who says you have to be devoid of feelings, choices, and rights to get down and dirty in the bedroom? No one said that you should be his mindless slave (well, unless that's the kind of thing that turns you on). But why shouldn't a woman that loves and is attracted to her boyfriend sometimes be absolutely eager to **** him silly in every way they could think of? Why would she interpret a round of hot, steamy, mind-blowing mutually enjoyable sex like he saw on his favorite video as him getting something at her expense?


And you wonder why the poor boy watches porn? You think maybe he gets turned on by seeing women who really, really want to **** and aren't too busy making sure he's been a good boy with all the proper thoughts before she lets loose and rips his clothes off?

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Who says you have to be devoid of feelings, choices, and rights to get down and dirty in the bedroom? No one said that you should be his mindless slave (well, unless that's the kind of thing that turns you on). But why shouldn't a woman that loves and is attracted to her boyfriend sometimes be absolutely eager to **** him silly in every way they could think of? Why would she interpret a round of hot, steamy, mind-blowing mutually enjoyable sex like he saw on his favorite video as him getting something at her expense?


And you wonder why the poor boy watches porn? You think maybe he gets turned on by seeing women who really, really want to **** and aren't too busy making sure he's been a good boy with all the proper thoughts before she lets loose and rips his clothes off?



Well if a man is getting hot steamy sex with his women because he was turned on by what he saw in a video not her there is now ay in hell that could be enjoyable. That is insulating that he finds me so unattracitve that he would need porn before he could have that great of sex with me.


"Poor boy" watches porn because they are shallow and are not hapy with there women. It is very sad that women are expected to live up to an unrealistic, plastic, airbrushed standard of beauty before they are worthy of love.

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It's funny how acording to women a man who watches porn and goes to stripclubs is scum but a woman who cheats on her husband is a liberated feminist. You gotta love how backwards that thinking is.

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It's funny how acording to women a man who watches porn and goes to stripclubs is scum but a woman who cheats on her husband is a liberated feminist. You gotta love how backwards that thinking is.

When have I ever said that a women has a right to cheat? I think women who cheat are skanks personally.

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When have I ever said that a women has a right to cheat? I think women who cheat are skanks personally.


The majority of women don't agree with you.

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Were all scum :laugh:


I dont think people who cheat are skanks though.I have cheated in a relationship before but i had my reasons.Everyone makes mistakes however big or small.

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Women are just mad at the fact that they can be easily replaced with an image. I know a guy who has been through two divorces and numerous other drama with women and right he prefers whacking off to porn than the real thing. He controls when and if it happens and porn won't nag him, cheat on him or divorce him. He seems very happy with it. I can't wait for the day they invent a mechanical womb so men can throw that disposable crap that women have been throwing in our faces for the last 30 years right back at them. Porn, mechanical wombs and the fact that many men can already cook and clean for ourselves will make women pretty much useless. Many women on here have already said they feel that they can't live up to a porn image and the truth is that they can't in many cases. A porn image won't nag you or divorce you and take the kids while cleaning out your wallet.

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Women are just mad at the fact that they can be easily replaced with an image. I know a guy who has been through two divorces and numerous other drama with women and right he prefers whacking off to porn than the real thing. He controls when and if it happens and porn won't nag him, cheat on him or divorce him. He seems very happy with it. I can't wait for the day they invent a mechanical womb so men can throw that disposable crap that women have been throwing in our faces for the last 30 years right back at them. Porn, mechanical wombs and the fact that many men can already cook and clean for ourselves will make women pretty much useless. Many women on here have already said they feel that they can't live up to a porn image and the truth is that they can't in many cases. A porn image won't nag you or divorce you and take the kids while cleaning out your wallet.


Then men will lead miserable lonely lifes.Sex isnt everything.Everyone even a man needs someone to hold him and talk to him occasionally.Women arent useless.I have many qualities im not just a sexual object.Im a good listener,im friendly and bubbly.Im a qualified hairdresser and beautician.So i am not useless.


I doubt that you can talk to any of these porn images and get advice from them.If my man ever put a stupid porn image before me then thats his problem.


Oh and i dont nag (my bf does more than me)and i dont spend loads of money and i sure as hell wouldnt stop my bf seeing his kid.Not every woman is a money grabbing bitch who would stop her bf or husband seeing his kid.

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Then men will lead miserable lonely lifes.Sex isnt everything.Everyone even a man needs someone to hold him and talk to him occasionally.Women arent useless.I have many qualities im not just a sexual object.Im a good listener,im friendly and bubbly.Im a qualified hairdresser and beautician.So i am not useless.


I doubt that you can talk to any of these porn images and get advice from them.If my man ever put a stupid porn image before me then thats his problem.


Oh and i dont nag (my bf does more than me)and i dont spend loads of money and i sure as hell wouldnt stop my bf seeing his kid.Not every woman is a money grabbing bitch who would stop her bf or husband seeing his kid.


The emotional support you speak of is great when a woman is willing to provide it but to most women these days that would be beneath them. Most women these days think that treating a man well makes them a submissive doormat and a porn image is better than that. Men can lean on our friends for that support because most women want to drag us down and laugh about it. Those women out there that are exceptions and actually treat a man well are great gems though and should be appreciated.

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The emotional support you speak of is great when a woman is willing to provide it but to most women these days that would be beneath them. Most women these days think that treating a man well makes them a submissive doormat and a porn image is better than that. Men can lean on our friends for that support because most women want to drag us down and laugh about it. Those women out there that are exceptions and actually treat a man well are great gems though and should be appreciated.


I agree with the "treat others how youd like to be treated" saying.

I dont think men should be treated like dirt as i dont think women should be.Everyone needs love.If you think about it yes male friends could offer support but you cant sit down with a man and cuddle for hours the might get funny about it,with a woman you can :) Also men not all but most dont show emotion to other men as it is a sign of weakness.Whereas a woman well .. me i wouldnt think anything of it.

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Women are just mad at the fact that they can be easily replaced with an image. I know a guy who has been through two divorces and numerous other drama with women and right he prefers whacking off to porn than the real thing. He controls when and if it happens and porn won't nag him, cheat on him or divorce him. He seems very happy with it. I can't wait for the day they invent a mechanical womb so men can throw that disposable crap that women have been throwing in our faces for the last 30 years right back at them. Porn, mechanical wombs and the fact that many men can already cook and clean for ourselves will make women pretty much useless. Many women on here have already said they feel that they can't live up to a porn image and the truth is that they can't in many cases. A porn image won't nag you or divorce you and take the kids while cleaning out your wallet.


I only "nag" my boyfriend about things that involve him wanting other women. (strip clubs and porn). Other then that he is free to do alot of thing unless it could kill him or get him arrested. I have never or will I ever cheat on him. Neither one of us ever want kids however if we do have them and we broke up I would not stop him from being around his kids.

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