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My boyfriend and I broke up about 6 months ago but I am still not over him he was my first and I love him he is with another girl now and is living with her and I think he cheated on me with her but he was so nice I dont understand how he could do this to me and why I can't get over him please help me learn to get over him.

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Jordan this is normal. It is possible you may have feeling for a long time. I have found these feeling to get weaker over time. You think he is cheating with another girl he is living with. Do you have any resone to suspect he truly is, or just because he lives with her? You could ask her, but she may think you are super jealous if there is nothing going on. And it would imbaress him. Take your time. Things will become clearer to you. Good luck.

My boyfriend and I broke up about 6 months ago but I am still not over him he was my first and I love him he is with another girl now and is living with her and I think he cheated on me with her but he was so nice I dont understand how he could do this to me and why I can't get over him please help me learn to get over him.
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Totally Confused

I think what Jordon is saying, and correct me if I'm wrong, is not that he was cheating on her with a woman he was living with, but that he was cheating on her with a woman, while he and Jordon were still together, and then he left Jordon and moved in with the other woman. I think she's questioning it, because he moved in with the new woman after only being broken up with Jordon for 6 months, which is kind of sudden. So Jordon has reason to believe that something must have been going on with this other woman before the boyfriend had broken up with Jordon.


Anyway, Jordon, It is 100% possible that someone who was once extremely nice to you can turn and be a total creep. I don't want to say just men do it, because woman do to. I've done it. I've thought that I've really liked a guy, told him I was crazy about him, only to find that a couple of months later, I wasn't that into it anymore. It doesn't make me a bad person that I don't like the guy anymore, but it would make me a bad person, if I didn't like the guy anymore, led him on still and then starting cheating on him behind his back. Your ex, whether he cheated on you or not, doesn't matter. He's gone and moving on with his life. You torturing yourself and trying to figure out if he was cheating doesn't matter anymore. If you were to find out that he did, what are you going to do? Yell at him? He won't care and it will only make you feel worse. He's moved on and unfortunately you haven't, which I can understand totally. You hate him, you love him, he's an @sshole, but you can't do anything, but drive yourself crazy. Don't worry, if he was a cheater, Karma will get him in the end and you won't have to do a thing. It's funny how tables turn. You never know what's going to happen. I can tell you one thing. Your ex and this girl moved in pretty quickly. I'll make a wager that they don't last. Couples that move in together that quickly, usually don't last. It's a spontaneous and not fully thoughtout, stupid decision that they made. It could last a year or two, but they'll never marry. Be thankful it's not you that lives with him that quickly. Let them make their mistake. Just sit back and relax. At the point that they fall apart, you'll be so over him you won't care. Now you can't just get over something, so you're going to have to go through the mourning stages just like everyone else. I'm sorry, but it's part of life. When you love something so much, you take the risk of feeling pain if it doesn't work out. You'll just have to keep talking about how hurt you are, until the pain lessens and lessens, and it will. Hang in there and if you ever need to vent, vent to someone in loveshack. Also look back and read other peoples situations, so you can see you're not alone and you can read advice on how to get through it. Good Luck and hang in there. The pain is a part of life so except and know it will pass.

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