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A Relationship Mulligan

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I thought of this as I was cruising through some of the golf sports news earlier today.


In amateur golf, you can call a "mulligan" which is basically forgiveness for a really bad shot.


How about having a mulligan for relationships?


For instance, if one of the parties is caught cheating, s/he can call a "relationship mulligan," so the relationship isn't destroyed.


Just a thought...

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:lmao: I am entertained by this idea.


BUT in most cases, why not just say "I'm sorry"?


(and IMO you can't call a mulligan on cheating)

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Cheating isn't normally an 'accident' it's a slip in judgement. If you slipped and told your SO that their butt looks big in those pants or something, than I'd say a mulligan is in order. I'd definitely call a mulligan on some of the hook ups my friends (and I) have had though! And we have an ongoing list of them.....

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Cheating = Deal breaker in my Book


forgetting my birthday could be a Mulligan though....... and you only get ONE mulligan.


Of course, if i were married... that would be equal to the Pro-tour, and there are No mulligans on the PGA!

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