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Wierd Situation

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My head is a bit meesed up at the moment,just wondering what everyones take on this is.


I have been good friends with my mates sister for 8-9 years and had feelings for each other then,but never acted on them.Anyway we all lost touch but a few years(University etc),but I carried on thinking about her from time to time.Anyway I saw her a few weeks ago and we exchanged numbers again as mates do.

All of my old feelings starting to return even though I had not seen her for a few years (Is that wierd ?),she then starts texting me in the early hours of the morning telling me where she has been etc.

She rarely sends texts or calls unless she has had a night out and has just got home,I would contact her but don't want to seem pushy (Not making sense am I).

Is she waiting for me to make a move,Is there any interest at all ?

Part of me thinks no but part of me also thinks if she is contacting me late at night when she is on her own then maybe there is ?


Any help appreciated

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