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i want to get her back

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ok im new to this whole thing but i need the advice... ok here we go


i've known this girl for a while... friend of a friend type of thing... well recently we started actually talking and hanging out just me and her... movie here and there, dinner, just hanging out... well after a little while of that we both started catching fellings for eachother... i asked her out and things were good... well a year before me and her friend who was her best friend at the time had a "one night stand" i guess you could say... nothing spawned from it and we hardly even talked afterwords... i put it in the past and moved on... well she found out and asked me about it... i wasn't going to lie to her so i told her it happened and it was a year ago and i didn't want it to change anything between us... she told me her feelings haven't changed but she couldn't be with me... i didn't get a good explaination just that it was a morals thing... at first i just felt like giving up, but then i though about how she makes me feel and i desided i wasn't going to just give up on that... so i told her i wasn't going to give up and i wanted to make her happy and i wanted to be with her... a day or two later i went and bought a single rose, organge because its her favorite color, and came to the palce we both work at and gave her the flower... she told me no one has ever given her flowers before and i said that i felt she was worth it and i told her if she ever changes her mind that i would be here... later we went to the movies but nothing happened because it was kinda a friend thing and i don't want to push her into anything... but now im lost... i don't know what to do now to win her back... im not going to give up... i have a few ideas on things i can do but i need some adive...im not going to give up on her... i told her i wouldn't...

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She probably thinks that you're nice to her so you could have sex with her then dump her. The only thing you can do is to stay committed to her. After couple of months she will see that you really like her and won't leave her. Just take it easy with her. Let her decide when she wants to have sex or be more intimate with you. That way it's her decision and she can't say you're pushing her.

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