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dating question

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I've been dating this girl for 3 weeks now. We've gone out about 5 times and I really enjoy being with her. She seems to dig hanging out with me also. Can I assume we're a couple or is it too soon to think that? This place rocks

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Well it all depends my friend. If she really digs you and you really dig her and you both want the relationship to go to the next level, than go for it, alas sometimes it's good to take it slow and sometimes by taking it slow you push the other person away because you're thinking too much.


In my opinion communication is everything, nobody is a mind reader and it's sad to say that many of us, including me sometimes, thinks others can read our minds. Go for it and see if she wants what you want, don't fear the fact that she might not, fear the fact that she may and you may let that slip away,


hope my advice helped

I've been dating this girl for 3 weeks now. We've gone out about 5 times and I really enjoy being with her. She seems to dig hanging out with me also. Can I assume we're a couple or is it too soon to think that? This place rocks
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I don't think it's smart to assume anything three weeks into a relationship. Going to the commitment stage is a big deal for some people, and may take longer than that. If you're questioning what's going on between the two of you, just ask her. (And let me tell you, girls LOVE it when guys bring up that kind of stuff, because normally they never do!) Personally, I never consider myself a "couple" with anyone until we have "that" conversation. And if you just assume it, you run the risk of totally freaking her out if she doesn't feel that way. When in doubt, just ask. You'll know pretty quickly if you two are on the same wavelength.

I've been dating this girl for 3 weeks now. We've gone out about 5 times and I really enjoy being with her. She seems to dig hanging out with me also. Can I assume we're a couple or is it too soon to think that? This place rocks
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3 weeks is nothing!


wait couple more months, then mention commitment by asking if she's been seeing other people ...


3 weeks is way too early for you to know if u wanna committ to her. make yourself slow down...


good luck :)

I've been dating this girl for 3 weeks now. We've gone out about 5 times and I really enjoy being with her. She seems to dig hanging out with me also. Can I assume we're a couple or is it too soon to think that? This place rocks
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