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Should I ask for her number this time??


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Alright, I just turned 21, and about 2 months ago, my gf of 3 years broke up with me. It's a long story, but I was sure she was the girl I was going to marry, and she broke up with me out of the blue. For the past couple of months, I haven't really been striking up conversations with girls, or even looking at them, really. I've just been trying to heal, and I am much better now than I was even just a month ago. I just haven't been trying to pursue any sort of relationship, not even friendship. I've just been trying to take life in general a bit slowly and try to not jump into anything.


Well, about two weeks ago, I randomly stopped by this local restaurant downtown, and at the register was this amazingly gorgeous girl. She looked familiar, and I realized that she goes to the same university as I do. As I sat around and waited on my friend to show up, I caught a few glimpses of her looking at me, smiling, and I smiled back. Once my friend showed up, as we walked to the counter, she was smiling and waving at me. Keep in mind that up to this point, we had never even spoken, and it had been like 2 years since I had even seen her at school. I ordered my food and said "You look familiar, do you go to RIC? I think we had a class together once." She said "It was Calc, wasn't it? I have this feeling." She was right, and we talked about school and random stuff for another three or four minutes, and I went to my table. I thought about asking for her number, but I thought it might be a bit creepy for me to ask for it after having a first-time three minute conversation with her. Plus, I thought "She's probably just this friendly to everyone," so I just forgot about it. When I was walking out, she was looking and smiling at me long before I even got close to her, and I just smiled and said "See ya next time."


Fast forward to a week later, which was last night. I went back in there and she was there again. When I went to order, she had remembered what I got last time and called out my order to me before I could even open my mouth. It was kind of embarrassing, but we both thought it was funny. So as she's ringing me up, I look up and she's looking at me with this huge smile on her face, and kind of giggles a little. I smiled and asked her how her week went and we talked for a few minutes again. She told me that a friend of her's had given her a free parking decal, and I told her that I didn't have one, and she smiled and said "Well maybe we can carpool sometime." Now if I could do that over, I would have said something like "Alright, give me your number and we can do that sometime soon," but I wasn't thinking at the time, so I didn't. Later in the night, I went back up to talk to her when it was dead, and we started talking about music, which is a HUGE part of my life since I'm a musician. She has amazing taste in music and we talked about that for about 10 minutes. She had a huge smile on her face and giggled a few times again. By this time, I'm thinking "My God, she's awesome." As the conversation came to a close, she said "I'll make a CD of different stuff and bring it for you the next time you come in," and I told her I would do the same for her. About 20 minutes later, I decided to leave, and as I was walking out, I said "I'll have something for you the next time I stop by" and she giggled again.


So I guess my question is this: The next time I go in, which will probably be either Wednesday or Friday, should I ask for her number? Should I have already asked for it?? :) It's just been hard for me to even look at other girls these last couple of months since my breakup, and it's been hard to get back into the mindset of being single and getting numbers and stuff. Plus I've only talked to her twice. I've never had confidence or self-esteem issues, but this girl is gorgeous and I can't help but think "Surely this girl isn't interested in me....she's just being friendly." Everytime I look at her, she'll look back and smile. So yeah, I just turned 21, so the next time I go in there, I can have a beer and it will calm my nerves a bit before I say anything to her. Oh, also, about the giggling....the only thing I have been able to come up with is that she was doing it because it's so obvious that I'm into her and she can tell I'm nervous when I talk to her. But I'm hoping with everything that's in me that it's because she digs me. ;)

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