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i've just gotten braces and had two weeks off from scholl because i was so embarased to go back. now i'm back and this boy i like is acting different towards me, do you think it is the bracs? how can i find my confidence again,i feel like a real freak.

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Are you sure he's acting different, or do you just think he's acting different because you're feeling self conscious about your braces? I highly doubt that he is. If he really likes you, braces won't matter. (After all, they do come off eventually.) You shouldn't feel like a freak--many people have to get braces, and they will only make you look better in the future. I suspect once you get used to them your self confidence will return. They're still fairly new, after all.

i've just gotten braces and had two weeks off from scholl because i was so embarased to go back. now i'm back and this boy i like is acting different towards me, do you think it is the bracs? how can i find my confidence again,i feel like a real freak.
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