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My wife wants an open marriage

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From the sounds of it, you deserve better. I know you love her and all, but if she is treating you so horridly... Let her go. What she did was unnacceptable. A wife is suppose to love and charish her husband and the same with the husband towards the wife and it seems that you are pulling your end. Your a wonderful person and I am sure that some woman would be lucky to have you. She clearly wants something... Different. You should not feel bad for not wanting to share her and she will realize what she has lost when it is gone.

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It's all bull****! She was already screwing around and wanted to "open" the marriage to make it OK. By lieing to the other guy, she is NOT having an open marriage. Lieing isn't part of the rules. This is an actual adulterous relationship she's having. She want's out, so give it to her. You're being manipulated.

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