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Are your taters laced with something? WTF are you talking about? :laugh:


:laugh: :laugh: This is what my thought was of as well!! CONFUSED:rolleyes:

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oooooh, maybe the man is Gold Pile!


GP = Money = Gifts... makes sense (cents?) :lmao: :lmao:


god I miss him! :)


No not gold pile...... more like mr. money bags :D :D Not quite as bendy as Gumby but makes up for it with other capabilities :D And Gumby is not going anywhere... he is quite pleased with my new frame of mind.



Do you think I just became elated here lately for no good reason?


happy happy joy joy....... :lmao:


You cannot expect someone to change - you have to change yourself. :lmao: (not talking about adult diapers)


dang that tater I smoked musta been loaded! :p

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No not gold pile...... more like mr. money bags :D :D Not quite as bendy as Gumby but makes up for it with other capabilities :D And Gumby is not going anywhere... he is quite pleased with my new frame of mind.



Do you think I just became elated here lately for no good reason?


happy happy joy joy....... :lmao:


You cannot expect someone to change - you have to change yourself. :lmao: (not talking about adult diapers)


dang that tater I smoked musta been loaded! :p



Whoa, one day your posting for suggestions that your Hubby can give you make you feel loved and appreiciated and now your bragging to the forum that your bangin his Friend. Hmm I didnt see anyone post "have your hubby's friend bang you" on anyone list of helpful suggestions.

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Whoa, one day your posting for suggestions that your Hubby can give you make you feel loved and appreiciated and now your bragging to the forum that your bangin his Friend. Hmm I didnt see anyone post "have your hubby's friend bang you" on anyone list of helpful suggestions.


CP -


you are too new to understand the curious side of a4a...


she's basically here to humor me! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


just kidding... don't be so literal with her, it's about the humor and entertainment honey! some days it's a necessity to get by...

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There are other ways of finding humor in things. Yes we all need a laugh sometimes its true. But I find the posts about her husband and the ways she feels about him nothing more than a big mockery. The posts also reek of the fact she could give a rats ass about what others say and its obvious she doesn't care about how her husband may feel either. If its so crappy it would be better to bow out gracefully and divorce, than to go screw her H's friend. Personally I think shes bluffing for attention which simply cries she needs thearpy. And if shes not bluffing she needs still thearpy to deal with these issues in which she feel are funny. Not knocking humor, but this is not even funny.

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CP -


you are too new to understand the curious side of a4a...


she's basically here to humor me! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


just kidding... don't be so literal with her, it's about the humor and entertainment honey! some days it's a necessity to get by...

As true as that may be, it's misleading, and quite frankly, puts some people in an irritated mood.


All I can think about is a4a's husband and how a4a runs him down on the forum all the time. Whether or not she is, "dinking", his best friend, it doesn't matter, she's going behind her husband's back, doing this, and saying that about him.....she clearly doesn't respect a bone in his body.


Oh well......chalk up another divorce for the statiticians.....

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As true as that may be, it's misleading, and quite frankly, puts some people in an irritated mood.


All I can think about is a4a's husband and how a4a runs him down on the forum all the time. Whether or not she is, "dinking", his best friend, it doesn't matter, she's going behind her husband's back, doing this, and saying that about him.....she clearly doesn't respect a bone in his body.


Oh well......chalk up another divorce for the statiticians.....


my goodness Moose - maybe that man was YOU!


as YOU seem to have a THING for following a4a around when she asks you not to!


two words ....... hard ...... on ...........


consider leaving her and her humorous side alone for a while... all you try to do to her is antagonize the situation every time... even when she asks you to STOP!

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WHAT?? Oh jeezzz.....I don't follow her around....she's all over the place....you can't get away from her!!! Puuuuleeeeezz!!


And what man are you talking about?????

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As true as that may be, it's misleading, and quite frankly, puts some people in an irritated mood.


All I can think about is a4a's husband and how a4a runs him down on the forum all the time. Whether or not she is, "dinking", his best friend, it doesn't matter, she's going behind her husband's back, doing this, and saying that about him.....she clearly doesn't respect a bone in his body.


Oh well......chalk up another divorce for the statiticians.....


Do any of you know my H?....... oh one person here does :cool:

So would it matter if I said anything here......I don't think that one person is going to put it up on a billboard anytime soon. :lmao:

not like I say a single negative thing about him in RL. I don't do that.... only one person I actually joke with about it.


So who cares what I say here about him...

Actually I have said he is hot, huge, good hearted, can bend like Gumby..... hummm just does not treat me the way I would have liked. How is that so terrible?


And I tell him to his face I wanna stick a fork in him ..:lmao: .... so how is that behind his back?

I do not hide how I feel or what I want from him. Oh but if I did respect him I would just pretend he is a saint 100% of the time..... yeah and I am perfect too... screw that. :lmao:


There is a huge difference between true respect for a person and respect for display....... perhaps the military would be a good example of respect for display and having true respect for a person for who they really are versus one that is trotted about for public inspection.


And why the hell get so bent out of shape about this..... take it so damn serious.... ask yourself that. Why take it so serious and have the need to condemn and chastise, how does it really effect you personally? Why is it?

(not directed to moose alone but a really awesome thread topic.... do you allow posts to upset you personally? and why?)


Did you ever think that maybe my H has read this thread. He did ok that BOs dog could come here last night........ hummmmmmm he read that one.

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my goodness Moose - maybe that man was YOU!


as YOU seem to have a THING for following a4a around when she asks you not to!


two words ....... hard ...... on ...........


consider leaving her and her humorous side alone for a while... all you try to do to her is antagonize the situation every time... even when she asks you to STOP!



From what I have read of a4a posts I can tell she is quite a character. She definately has a unique and humorous prespective on life. However with such comments sometimes it's hard to discern which is fact and which is humorous fiction.

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From what I have read of a4a posts I can tell she is quite a character. She definately has a unique and humorous prespective on life. However with such comments sometimes it's hard to discern which is fact and which is humorous fiction.


run with it honey! the fork - that is! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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From what I have read of a4a posts I can tell she is quite a character. She definately has a unique and humorous prespective on life. However with such comments sometimes it's hard to discern which is fact and which is humorous fiction.



Do you really think that?


My H says the same thing....... when we were playing pirates last night with ladle swords I faked him out with an false eye injury so I could get a good ladle thrust in.........I whipped his ass playing pirates!!! :lmao:

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Do you really think that?


My H says the same thing....... when we were playing pirates last night with ladle swords I faked him out with an false eye injury so I could get a good ladle thrust in.........I whipped his ass playing pirates!!! :lmao:


YO HO (or is spelled other than that?) a pirates life for me.....


i bet Moose hasn't PLAYED pirates before - ay matey?

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YO HO (or is spelled other than that?) a pirates life for me.....


i bet Moose hasn't PLAYED pirates before - ay matey?


:lmao: :lmao: H was singing that Yo Ho and a bottle of rum but was saying Yoo HOO.......


Yarrrr........ and I put the chicken on his shoulder for his parrot.


YARRRRRRRRRR..........land ho!!!


This is true and I would stake my horses life on it that it is true.

Just so you know I am not kidding around. I am serious when it comes to having fun.

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I suspect drugs might be involved to be able to laugh this much. No one is that happy naturally like that to the point of acting this way about a relationship, especially if one is involved in having sex with another. My guess is the H has been having sex himself all along with another and perhaps that was the whole point of him not doing what you wanted, perhaps he suffered from some kind of depression from being deceitful to you. If you are having sex with someone else then I guess you are even.

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There are other ways of finding humor in things. Yes we all need a laugh sometimes its true. But I find the posts about her husband and the ways she feels about him nothing more than a big mockery. The posts also reek of the fact she could give a rats ass about what others say and its obvious she doesn't care about how her husband may feel either. If its so crappy it would be better to bow out gracefully and divorce, than to go screw her H's friend. Personally I think shes bluffing for attention which simply cries she needs thearpy. And if shes not bluffing she needs still thearpy to deal with these issues in which she feel are funny. Not knocking humor, but this is not even funny.



a4a you must have missed this post cause you never replied to it!! Either that or you don't care to reply!! Sounds like the poster hit the nail right on the head. There is no respect in this marriage why not bow out and give him his freedom so you can continue to boff your h's best friend's brains out ? Keeping him around for chores isn't a marriage ..

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a4a you must have missed this post cause you never replied to it!! Either that or you don't care to reply!! Sounds like the poster hit the nail right on the head. There is no respect in this marriage why not bow out and give him his freedom so you can continue to boff your h's best friend's brains out ? Keeping him around for chores isn't a marriage ..



I suspect much of a4a statements is tongue in cheek humor. Like she said we have no true idea what does goes on in her household or how her husband truely feels. I enjoy reading her posts cause she is quite funny. However, I do find it hard to take anything she says seriously.

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a4a you must have missed this post cause you never replied to it!! Either that or you don't care to reply!! Sounds like the poster hit the nail right on the head. There is no respect in this marriage why not bow out and give him his freedom so you can continue to boff your h's best friend's brains out ? Keeping him around for chores isn't a marriage ..


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: for some it may be a marriage made in heaven. or replace chores with sex or money or kids or nice house. Different people different desires :D


People ask yourself..... who/what my H's best friend is? :lmao: :lmao: No you just assume things because that is how you think..... I was making a point to those who "know it all" "see told ya so". :lmao:H is very aware of me boffing his best friend. :lmao: Hell, he helped me do it a couple of days ago. :lmao:


BTW we are getting along great. Perhaps the constant pestering by certain Nay Sayer individuals is the reason for my sarcasm..... afterall is this not what they expected? I just so hated to disappoint those who said my working on this problem would not pay off for both of us. I am sure from time to time he will need a kick in the pants, as do I from time to time. :)


And no drugs here...... sorry again to disappoint you ( allergy meds do make me loopy, but not on any for several months)......some people do spend lots of time laughing.(give her a try, ya might like it) :D ......hell I was at the vets for a good portion of yesterday with H (H' friend could not go, vets would have had a problem with him maybe?) with another dog with a broken leg.... We ended up with 3 vets in the room laughing about my idea to use bone glue and duct tape to fix the dog..... and the dog was in the dryer too long and could not keep up so broke her leg..... actually humor is a matter of perspective, maybe some of you need to have a stickectomy .. :lmao: .... get the stick outta your asses and laugh more in life? Life is too short to piss and moan your way through it.


And no when some bible thumper starts crap about the roles of men and women no I do not give a rats ass to listen (reminds me I have a T-shirt with a rat leading a donkey that says "I don't give a" (insert pic). More so when you tell a person that I do not desire their kind of marriage for my own but they continue to pester the hell outta me........ I don't believe in the bible, nor do I want a man that makes more money than me, nor do I want a man that makes decisions for me..... and my H does not want that either. So in conclusion those posters did not care about what I want or offer advice to help me attain it, but tell me how and what I should desire....... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: Read the first post...... did I ask for any of these comments...... nope...... it simply askes for a list.


Now who is my H's best friend?.......... only the Tater knows..... and a select few friends I joke with.


Now Yar har har........ and a bottle of rum....... all before 9 am!

Our new one is acting like that Monk character and touching things... in public too...... see fun.... stupid but fun........ I caught the H making faces as his dog through the truck window yesterday......see weird but funny as all hell.... H got his stickectomy, maybe you should try one too....... :lmao:

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I suspect much of a4a statements is tongue in cheek humor. Like she said we have no true idea what does goes on in her household or how her husband truely feels. I enjoy reading her posts cause she is quite funny. However, I do find it hard to take anything she says seriously.




oh that hurt. I guess you just skip over my serious posts and only see the humor filled ones..... geeze, I am so sick of people just wanting me for my humor.... can't anyone just want me for my bodacious boobies? They light up ya know!

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can't anyone just want me for my bodacious boobies? They light up ya know!

Illuminated breasts? This I gotta see. Please post pics.

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