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Jealousy- Important!

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Me and my boyfriend have been together for almost a year were perfect for each other and we have the best realationship with each other except our jealous tendencies.So I need advice, as I said we are both very jealous people but were constantly fight about each others past loves and even though ive had alot more and im defintily more experienced whenever I think about his past it tears me up and I cant think about anything else I just dont know what to do cause im tired of all the fighting and hes tired of me always yelling but he does thing to makes me like putting himself in position with girls at parties were I cant go to and talking to girls on the internet (meanwhile if I was to do those things he would probly yell at me for hours)but i dont because I know how it feels to worry and be jealous and I dont want him to feel like that.Im not worried about him cheating on me Im just worried about him getting so attracted to someone else that he'll leave me.So anyways I would love nothing more to resolve this between us so we can continue our realtionship with trust and honesty.If theres anyone who can help it would really be appreciated.

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Honestly, you need to leave the past where the title explains it to be, the past. What you have to concentrate on is that he is with you, and all those other people dont matter anymore. Whatever was shared, yeah its going to bother you if you think about it, but that could be said pertaining to any kind of situation involving a romance between one and another, because everyone wants that other person strictly for themselves. You have to let it go. My fiance actually has a tough past herself, but i've grown to accept it, you have to realize that no matter how bad you make them feel about it, their past decisions happened at a time when they either didn't know you at all, didn't have a romantic connection with you, or both. They can't change a single thing about the past...that being said all you can do is accept it and move on...realize the more important things, like how special your relationship is to one another, and from there make the steps forward you need to. Concerning who you guys talk to, leave that open, trust is everything, yeah it might make you uneasy to give that up...but hey, you can't hold chains to them. people are going to do as they please, and if you give them nothing but trust and respect and you show you love them and feel they can handle themselves, then guess what..they are more likely to really take that heavily into consideration and watch the choices they make more. Look at it like this...if you were making a decision, and a guy was loving to you, gave you all the space in the world, and felt you could completely handle yourself, OR you had a guy who was restricting you, telling you that you couldn't do this that and the other, and felt you needed to be treated like an infant, who are you more likely to want to impress? The guy who trusts you more..the person who lets you be who you are and loves you for you, and trusts you knowing who you are...look at it like that.

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