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Second Chance? I think not!


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I am posting this new thread for people who have dumped their EX and decided it was a mistake and now their relationship is back on track. I would love for someone to prove me wrong, but I just dont' think this happens often enough to deem it as feesible.



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Yeah. This happened to me. After four years I broke up with my then boyfriend. A few months later I realized I made a mistake and got back together with him. We were together for another three years, and then we both decided (for different reasons than the first break up) to go our separate ways. So I guess my relationship got back on track for three years....

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I think it can happen with enough effort between both parties. However, I agree that its very unlikely it will actually be successful. Too many hurt feelings still exist, possible resentment, figuring it will be exactly how it was before the two split, people change and expectations are destroyed with disappointment. I think its all the expectations you have when getting back together that makes it so much harder to stay together the second time around. But if people manage to do it, more power to them. I don't really know anyone yet that has succeeded.

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