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Need some advise


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Ok....So here is the story.


I have known this girl for about 6 months and we have become really close. I have helped her out through some really troubling times. The catch is that she has been seeing this guy for a few months BUT he has moved away accross country and is gone for 5 years.


The problem that I have is I am really falling for her and I don't know what to do or even if I can do anything. She is a great girl and I would love to start dating her but I have a lot of respect for her and I don't want to intrude with her and the boyfriend.


Can anyone help me out with advise?

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either a. Find a new friend or b. suck down all feelings for her since she HAS A BOYFRIEND already. Till they are broken up there is nothing youcan do (at least and be honorable)

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