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I want the lodger to pack his bags!!


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Me and my best mate Aidan have been haring a flat together for 5 mths now. Love it!!! But we took another lodger (Paul) in 2mths ago to help us with the rent. Me and Aidan get on like a house on fire, but we don't get on with Paul so well... Everything you have done or have had, he has had bigger, and better and more expensive.


Anyway.... just him being there now annoys me. The fact that he's in the flat does my head in. And I know sometimes he may just be sitting there but I just can't stand being in his company. I want him to leave but not too sure what way to go about it. I know it sounds a bit harsh, but it simply is just a case of him getting under my skin.


Basically, me and Aidan are charging him a flat rate which includes his bills every mth and I feel like he is abusing it a bit. He isn't paying as much as what we are paying and he is already 6weeks behind with his rent. We both are working 2 jobs, when Paul barely goes into his day job.


I was about to blow a gasket last night when I came home, the heating was on, all the lights were on in the flat, the tv was on and paul was in his room!!! His mobile phone has been cut off so he was sitting on the land-line!!! My landline!!!! I am just getting so angrey. He is 28 and has lived in America etc... so he should know the score when it comes to sharing a flat. He doesn't even buy any toilet paper!!!


And to make things worse, Aidan's friend rom back home killed hisself the other day, and he is away back home for the weekend and I just really don;t know if I can put all of this on him next week when he comes back.


How am I going to get Paul to leave?? I am miserable living in my own flat and I just don;t think it's fair!!

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I know it sounds a bit harsh, but it simply is just a case of him getting under my skin....How am I going to get Paul to leave?? I am miserable living in my own flat and I just don;t think it's fair!!


It's not harsh. House-sharing can be brilliant fun, or sheer misery depending on how well (or not) you click with fellow housemates.


The only way to get him to leave is to tell him outright, but before you breathe a word to him you need to consider what kind of tenancy rights he's acquired (either through a formalised contract or in common law). Figure out how you stand legally as regards evicting him, then you can start thinking about how to tell him to go in the least harsh manner.

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