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partner perving

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this might sound stupid but for some reason it is pissing me off. when a friend of mine comes over i catchmy boyfriend stealing glances at her. she is an exotic dancer with a big boob job and is petite with blonde hair. last time she was here i caught him staring at her and i had a go at him after she left and he was like "baby she's old (she is 37) and has had 2 much done to her face and body and you have nothing to worry about so stop being insecure". and he reckons he wasnt even aware that he was looking at her. blah blah blah. anyway she just left and i was in the kitchen and she was coming in to see me and i caught him staring at her arse! and i gave him a filthy look and he was "what, whats wrong with you". am i being ridiculous??? i dont know why i feel so threatened. i guess i feel like im not good enough when i catch him perving at her specially cause she's always dressed up when she is here (tight jeans, tight little tops etc etc) and i am in tracksuit pants and a baggy jumper lol. please could someone tell me im being ridiculous......

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From the little you've written, you sound insecure. Be confident in yourself and quit worrying about something you cannot control, such as how other people look. Of course, if your man is literally drooling over her, then you have a case.


But occasional glances at the opposite sex, just about everyone does that and it's harmless.

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Perhaps your friend and you should start catching up elsewhere. :)


I don't know if this happens to other people, but when I'm at home and someone comes over, I look/stare a lot more at them than I would if I were in a different environment. Juste because they are the less familiar "thing" that is in my house at that moment.


Does your bf look at her that way even if he meets her somewhere else?

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Jersey Shortie


am i being ridiculous??? i dont know why i feel so threatened. i guess i feel like im not good enough when i catch him perving at her specially cause she's always dressed up when she is here ......




No. You aren't being ridiculous. You are just being human. Of course you feel threatened. Your guy is obviously giving some amount of flattering attention to another woman. If he knows it bothers you and keeps on doing it, he isn't thinking about you very much and just about himself.

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Come on, guys...


An "exotic dancer", "petite" with "a big boob job", wearing "tight jeans, tight little tops" comes over to your house, most men are going to look. That doesn't make your partner a perv, it makes him human. If a male model friend of your husband, ripped physique, shorts and a tank top, came over, I think most women would cast an appraising glance. And if that makes either spouse insecure, that's more about them then it is about their partner.



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An "exotic dancer", "petite" with "a big boob job", wearing "tight jeans, tight little tops" comes over to your house, most men are going to look

Hey, I'm female, and I'd look! I'd probably point it out to my hubby.


There's different ways of handling it, and honestly, you getting jealous isn't the right way - BE glad you don't have that body to maintain. BE happy you have the guy in your life, someone to love, rely on, to make love with. SHE doesn't. All she has are glances from men, sexually wanting her - That's not love, it's lust and it means nothing.

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