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My husband bought a new mattress!

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About half an hour ago, he called to ask me to remove the sheets from our bed as a new mattress would arrive. A few minutes later, both he and the new mattress were here.


Some of you probably remember my bloody-mattress thread. If you don't then this is not interesting for you.


It's a beautiful, very comfortable mattress. The old one is gone now. I haven't mentioned anything about the mattress since that argument a few months ago. He simply surprised me! :love:


He is not such a hopeless case after all! :D:bunny:

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well you best break it in with him really good!


That was quite nice of him! :D


Now where is my F-in camel? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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I remember the bloody mattress thread! Glad he got you all a new mattress. Have fun breaking it in. :p:laugh::bunny:





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I remember the sad tale of the bloody mattress, as well as the mildly disturbing visual of him rubbing his nose in the stain to prove that it was OK. :sick:


Hooray! Thank heavens.


Now what kind of mattress is it?

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Thanks, guys. :D


Now what kind of mattress is it?
Oh, it's a top quality pillow mattress. :bunny:
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Hey, this is great news! :D

I guess that he made up for acting like an ass in that particular circumstance (I do remember the bloody stain thread too).

He did take time to replace the mattress, but it is good to know that he did not really just dismiss your feelings. :)

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did you get to help pick it out ?


or did he make the decision for you ?

I couldn't care less about choosing it.


He surprised me with a $3,000 mattress! :love:

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He has a heart. Just took him time to get it all together.


I am so happy for you.. Now you have the authority to leave your own trail on that mattress. Then make his rub his nose in it.. JK.. JK..


If I marry I would eventually want a new mattress also. I'm a sentimental creature and having such intimate things like used mattresses would have to go. Other personal things can be packed up and put away in the attic or garage to collect dust and cobwebs..


Marriage to me is the beginning of a new life and you leave the old one behind.

It's time for new things and things together to join the union as one..

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Marriage to me is the beginning of a new life and you leave the old one behind. It's time for new things and things together to join the union as one..

if i every get married again (unlikely) i'm going to ask my new bride to get a vaginal transplant because I don't want one with mileage on it.

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if i every get married again (unlikely) i'm going to ask my new bride to get a vaginal transplant because I don't want one with mileage on it.



Is this correct??? That would be easy to get without the transplant..

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if i every get married again (unlikely) i'm going to ask my new bride to get a vaginal transplant because I don't want one with mileage on it.

Alpha, I didn't ask him to trash the home appliances and furniture or the clothes his exes bought for him (I don't even know what they bought... I just bougt him new clothes and trashed the old... :lmao: Just kidding, just kidding...).


He has washed his dick and mouth after doing other women, but this mattress had BLOOD FROM SOMEBODY'S PUSSY ON IT!!!


Mind you, I wouldn't take his dick if he hasn't washed it after another woman. The mattress you can't wash.


It's probably possessiveness, but when people tell me: "Oh, too bad your husband sold his former house, it was so nice" I tell them "Well he lived there with his ex-wife. I prefer that we build a new house that will be only ours, which we will do next spring." They usually say: "Right, I didn't think of it... ex-wife..." :D


Sure, you can't erase the past... but the more you eliminate the better. I don't have to sleep on his ex's menstrual flow. Just like I know they had sex, but I don't have to watch a video of it... if there is one.


The point of break-ups and divorces IS to correct your mistake, not to gain experience and share it with other partners in the future, like when you get a diploma and you're supposed to share your knowledge at work. :laugh:

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Alpha, I didn't ask him to trash the home appliances and furniture or the clothes his exes bought for him (I don't even know what they bought... I just bougt him new clothes and trashed the old... :lmao: Just kidding, just kidding...).

when i got married, RP, my ex-wife wanted me to get new mattresses for the reason that i had had sex with other chicks on them. i told her that is fine but she'll be paying the $1,000 for the new matresses. Mine were only like 3 yrs old at the time. I never heard a peep from her again.


A month or so later I came home from work and she had gone into my box 'o photographs and ripped up all the ones with me and my ex-girlfirends. what a ****

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Alpha, I didn't complan about the mattress because he slept with others there. He slept in the bed and maybe in his car,too. It had BLOOD on it.

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WOW - this reminded me that my ex has my blood on his mattress from me! I never thought about how the new girlfriend might view this!


My ex always laughed about the stain saying that if we ever broke up it would remain as a great memory of a night of wild passionate sex when it was my time of the month! So I'm sure everytime he changed his sheets he thinks about me!


I wouldn't have given this any second thought until I read your post. I see how this could bother you.

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So I'm sure everytime he changed his sheets he thinks about me!

I wouldn't be so sure if I were you. All the things that reminded me of my ex-husband when we split and I loved him, now mean nothing to me. I even forget his birthday or our wedding anniversary. And our wedding pictures seem like it wasn't me at all...:D
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you haveing some good sex on that new mattress RP? :lmao:

Not yet... still struggling with BC method questions, waiting for my period... hope I persuade him to do the vasectomy.

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