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Is second chance possible?


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Hi Everyone I posted on here around May after I was broken up with my girlfriend off 3 years for 5 months. I started NC twoards the end of May and just finally broke it the beginning of this month because we go to the same school and I ran into her going to class. She was the one who broke up with me but when I saw her she was telling me how I should call her to get together. So I called her today and asked her to go to the mall with me. She went to the mall with me and we got something to eat.....it was just like old times really little awkward at times. When we were done I dropped her off at her car she gave me a kiss on the cheek and said im sure well see each other around. Then sent me a text message saying Thanks so much for lunch it was really nice of you and it was good to see you! Am I looking to much into this? Or does anyone think a second chance could be possible? I dont want to rush anything if there was. I appreciate all comments.

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Of course second chances are possible, but statistically they are more unlikely than likely. I would not push the envelope too much unless there is something you know you did to cause the problem. If she kissed you on the cheek, I would take that as you are now friend material and in that case you don't stand a fighting chance.


I think you should move on and if she still loves you, somehow you guys may be able to work things out through communication.



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Just take things slow. Start off building a friendship with her and don't talk about the old relationship. Be a friend to her when she needs you and just show her that you are there. After a while she may hint that she wants another relationship with you and if that happens don't rush it. If it doesn't happen then at least you have a friend in her. Of course if it is too painful for you to have a friendship with her then you may have to back off and leave her alone. Otherwise I say go for it, take it slow and let the friendship build. Goodluck.

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I cant believe I'm even on this site but I have been going crazy looking for an answer to questions of my own. I will answer yours right now. I was with someone for over 3 years. We broke up for a year and then got back together for a year. We have been broke up for 5 months and i am in a serious relationship with someone else and want him back again. When you love someone it doesnt just stop. She wants you dude. I would almost bet my life on it!

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Alright time for a little update. Last Saturday was a wild night. I usually don't see my ex at parties because we have a different group of friends, but this was a big party and I end up seeing her there. My friends had gone to a party once before and she saw them and aksed where I was and called me that night. But anyway.....She was all over me all night following me around and trying to talk to me. We were both pretty drunk and I ended up going back to her place. We started to have sex and she started crying saying this is just random and weird. I asked her if she wanted to stop because I didnt want to hurt her or confuse her and she said no. So when we woke up in the morning she was all over me again trying to cuddle with me....and I stayed there all day we went out to eat and whatched some movies together and even held hands for a little bit while whatchin (which was her doing). Then when she dropped me off and got back home she calle dme and we talked for 20 minutes just about random stuff nothing really about what happened. She Instant messaged me last night and we talked again for like 3 hours just about random stuff and nothing about the other night. I am pretty confused here, of course I still love her and want to be with her, but at the same time I don't know how to approach this situation and dont want to get hurt again either. Does she want to get back together?

-I appreciate everyone who reads this and replies.

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Is she the type to have just "casual" sex? If not, then I'm guessing she felt awkward sleeping with someone, she was not exclusively with. Or, she was crying because it made her remember what is was like when you WERE together.


Some girls are very emotional when it comes to sex. Iv'e had a gf cry the first time we had sex because 'it was just so sweet' lol. Could be a number of reasons.


The fact that she's still contacting you, and you guys are talking like this, AFTER the fact you slept together, and spent the day together, my guess is she's testing the waters just like you brother. Best thing to do at this point, is continue taking things slow. Let her know you still care, but don't over due it.


I'm in my own situation right now, with an ex. But my advice would be to wait it out another week or two. Then maybe try going to a nice dinner, and just talk. Try to comfortably ease into what you both want out of this relationship.


Good luck my man.

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