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i don't really know if i need advice. i just needed a place to give vent i suppose, i need to make myself heard. make contact.i dont know what.


I'm just getting over someone or rather the thought and the hope of them...cause it turns out i never really had a chance. and i'm just really really lonely and keeping this in is making me feel sick like my head will implode, or my heart i cant tell which. i feel abandoned and so so disappointed.


i'm exhausted and i'm empty and i hurt.


sometimes the emptiness is all there is...pushing up against my insides, building the pressure up to where i'm sure something has to give. and i cant make sense of it because i can find no reasons, no respite. nothing that logic can shape and mold to some discernable discipherable shape. i just feel this heavy solid wall of empty. it has mass...you'd think emptiness was made of air.


I'm so tired.


i want to stamp my feet and scream and cry and demand that god or the universe or whatever set it right agian, give me back that feeling, that hope that was dashed but that's not going to happen is it.

nothing's fair in love and war.

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So, where do you live? I ask this because I am much like you, very lonely. But I tend to think that it would be too good to be true that there were someone like me who lived near here.


But anyways, what is your problem exactly? I've been horribly disappointed by pasts lovers and friends, so I can relate.

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