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Is it wishfull thinking

suzie sweet

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My hubby and i have been seperated just over 1 yr now,we have 2 kids,the marrage break up was my fault i was nasty,control freak, jelous spent all the money, got us into debt, then had an affair.To round it off i was severly deppressed had been for some time and felt trapped in a bubble and i didnt want him,As they say grass is never greener it`s so true, thankfully im back to my normal self again and the bubble has gone pop.he can see ive changed, and i realise how much i love him and i cant be with any one else it dosnt work,He says he will never come back BUT my question is has anyone been in this situation? Ive heared of affairs and then getting back together,,We get on so well now and still do everything as a family, days out meals together holidays etc, he rekons its for the kids im not so sure.He helps me with money and tells me ill always be a part of his life and he always will be here for me,he dosnt want another woman, and we did sleep together in january,But this weekend i invited him round for a meal and few drinks we had lovely night the kids were out but the best thing he actually stayed the whole night.. Now to me that is a step forward what do you think maybe he might come back one day? Surely he must have feelings for me otherwise he wouldnt wana be around so much?????????

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Just be patient and don't push him or things. If things keep going the way that you say they are going then it looks good that there may be a second chance. Just take it slow and keep showing him that you have changed after all actions speak louder than words.

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Fact of the matter is that your hubby still has feelings for you. Otherwise there would be no contact what so ever!


Maybe it is for the kids, and thats good. I wouldn`t ask for anyone else on here for advice in a similar situation because everyone is different.


I`d say keep in contact. Reduced contact, and don`t get too pushy. Time changes people, and if you can show him throughout that time you are apart that you have changed then he may come back.


If you start getting too pushy, and clingy again. Its going to show all the old signs of you being a "control freak", and that will seal your fate.


Just enjoy your time together for now. He`s already told you he doesn`t want another woman. We don`t know the future, so take it easy becasue to me it sounds like you do have a second chance. Please don`t ruin it.


Good luck.

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Your hubby still has feelings for you!


His excuse "It's for the kids" is to cover the real or other part of his intentions.


Just keep being sweet and kind and lovely and never pushy.


He is just dipping his foot in the water to test the temperature if that makes sense, when the temperature is right, he'll come back slowly.

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Don't be surprised if he doesn't want to get back together with you, YOU hurt him real badly, I doubt the anger has hit him yet. If you do get back together it WILL be amazing!

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Don't be surprised if he doesn't want to get back together with you, YOU hurt him real badly, I doubt the anger has hit him yet. If you do get back together it WILL be amazing!


thanks for your vote of confidence, i shall let you know the outcum

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If you do get back together, just make sure you fixed the issues that led to you straying, or in a couple of years when you both are going through marital boredom, you don't start wandering again.



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