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how do i know...

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Hi so i'm a sophomore in College and I have never really had good luck with boys. That being said, there is this boy in one of my classes who i am interested in and i was wondering if he seems interested in me too. The first day of class, as we were walking out of class, we walked in step, but neither of us talked to each other (we were both on the phone). As soon as I got off he goes, "well that was a boring class.." and we start talking. He introduces himself to me, and he asks me about my major, where I'm living, the class we're taking etc. Keep in mind this was totally unprecedented. Today, I go to class, and I see him walking in front of me. He slows down and smiles, then says "hi, how are ya." He takes out his headphones and we talk about our weekends. He seemed to be looking me in the eyes and smiling the whole time. As we get to class, he holds the door for me, and we walk in. Our conversation was stopped only by me being intercepted by another girl who recognized me. I sat behind him in class, and the whole time he seemed fidgety, and sitting sort of turned to me (I was in the desk behind him). Like I said, I'm bad at reading these kinds of clues. Can you help me out? Thanks.

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