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What would you think?


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Just looking for some opinions on the following matter. I have been broken up with my ex for about 2 years. When we broke up we were very much in love with each other but we both knew that at that time the relationship just wouldn't work. So we decided to go our seperate ways. I have since moved on and been in other relationships but have never quite forgotten about him. I would even go as far as to say that I still have deep feelings for him. Here's my question. I haven't seen him in over 2 years. Last weekend I was out at a bar and low and behold there he is. I seen him a few times that night but wasn't certain if it was him because he had lost a lot of wieght. Near the end of the night he comes up to me and taps me on the shoulder and says Hi, How are you? Do you know who I am. I of course play dumb even though I knew it must be him and say no.. So, he says who he is and talks for a minute. Then he rubs my arm looks me in the eyes with a longing look and says have a good night. Here's the clincher he was there with another girl.. When he came up to me I think she was in the bathroom. The next 2 times that I ran into him that night he was with her and just looked uncomfortable and not very happy. We didn't make eye contact. What would you think of that? What was he thinking? My mind hasn't stopped since this happened and I thought I was over him. Opinions please!:p

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Only thing up to now that I can conclude is that seeing you has provoked significant feelings inside him. He saw you and was just waiting the right opportunity to approach you. I’m sure he did a lot of thinking after you met. He thinks a lot – I’m positive.

He is obviously in a «new» relationship at the moment – hard to judge how serious it is but you shook him definitely.

I’m sure that the meeting has intrigued him and that he has some feelings.... It’s hard to judge would it evolve into something more or not. The fact is that he has a new relationship which obviously means something to him, he is not willing to risk it (the fact that he waited that the other girl goes to the toilet in order to approach you), but then again...you never know with these things.... After all, he had that longing look when he saw you…. :-) If you know where you can meet him, I would suggest “an accidental bump into each other" for start.......... Cathy

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