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This girl i like (not same one)


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well after today, i realised that i dont like that girl anymore, and i like someone else. ok, this girl is in my P.E class. Yesterday we did the mile. i think shes new to this school but i dont know. so we were running the mile, so when i was about 3/4s there, i realised something. when i stopped she stopped too. when i ran she ran too! this happened until we were at the very end. she just ran all the way. well today, we were walking to the park in my school, and i was walking with my friend. she was walking besides me too. we were walkin back, and she was walking with me for a short time. she doesnt really talk alot that i know of...

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i realised that i dont like that girl anymore, and i like someone else.


jeepers...here we go again!! Thats a shocker! :rolleyes:


You should really just ask this one out anyway, even if you didnt like her as much as the last girl....actually, ask her out even if she doesnt like you.....


that way, you can get all the practice you need "asking out" girls for when the right girl comes along.

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