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the sinking ship (how to get to shore)

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help- my office has become a sinking ship- the unfair part is that everything went downhill during the time that *i* planned to leave!


i work in the automotive sector and our small consulting company has been holding tight in the midst of all the job cutbacks. in the beginning of this year, i started prepping to leave the company after 10 years- while i am not all that high ranking i am one of the most senior members on our account and it would be painful for me to leave. i seriously think that management sees me as a "lifer". about 2 months ago, a manager left and, since then, 2 other people have left- it is obvious that leaks are springing up all over at the office and that the people that have left have somewhat coordinated their leaves. therefore, all of us left behind are stretched and stressed much of the time. other than lots of red faces and closed door meetings management's response has been dismal.


to further complicate things, our contract with our customer expires at the end of this year and will be renewed but with dramatically altered services. i have a feeling there is a plan for me to take on an expanded role in the new year and there has already been informal discussion about it.


so now i am at the point where i am likely going to be next to leave and it is going to hit hard- my manager, the people that work for me, etc. i never wanted to leave on a bad note- the company has been very good to me over the years. the only way that i figure that i can leave gracefully without looking like i am out to screw the company over is to actually give my manager the straight dope and let him know that i will likely not be there at the very end of the year. however, this is potential job suicide.


help! i am torn between extreme loyalty and what is best for me. has anyone else been in a similar bind? i am really curious especially if anyone has let their boss know well in advance of their planned leave date w/o necessarily having a job to fall back on... thanks!

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Do what's best for you. The company will manage, and if it doesn't, there isn't anything you could have done to save it anyway.


Loyalty is all fine and good, nothing wrong with that, but if the company wanted to get rid of you, do you think for a moment that they'd actually giva**** one way or another about doing so?

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