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IF this Isn't love, then I don't know what is

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Well this is how my love story goes. Hmm, it isn’t finished yet, but we working on it still:


My name is Roje and the girl I’m in love with is Melissa. Well, it was a summer. I just came from a vacation from the Cayman Islands. To my surprise when I got back, there were a whole lot of girls that moved in to the community. Among these girls was Melissa. At first when I saw her I was saying … fresh meat! Anyway, I had this friend; he and I were very close. We were planning on whom we were going to talk to. We both wanted to talk to Melissa, but he was telling me to talk to her cousin, since we were both fat at the time.


Well, I began talking to her, and ended up liking her. So, we began talking for some time. I really enjoyed the time we were together. But we were kids, and it didn’t last (I was 11). So my friend was talking with Melissa, and I was cool with it. I was just going on chilling.


By the time I got to 9th Grade (I was 15), (Melissa was in 8th grade) we started taking the bus together and were always seeing a lot of each other. We got close to each other. After about three months of this, I started thinking about her a lot. That was strange for me to think of a girl like that. I would find myself endless nights thinking about her.


In the fourth month, I was gonna finally tell her how I felt. So many times I was gonna tell her, but I’m kind of shy when it comes to her, so when I called her to tell her I just froze and maybe just talked about something else.


Anyway, one day I heard that she was talking to this boy. I couldn't believe, I was so heart broken. I think she knew that I liked her. Anyway, she and he broke up. I was so happy; I told myself there was hope. Well, time goes by and we grow closer and closer together, I mean if this girl missed the bus I would be so pissed. Whenever I see her there is this feeling that words just can’t explain. Just seeing her made me feel complete. So, we both enjoy each other’s company. She told me that I am her best boyfriend & and she was my best friend.


We talk about almost everything. I can always make her smile and she makes me feel that I’m the most wonderful guy in the world.


School in Jamaica starts in September (Melissa’s Birth Month) & Ends in June. By the time school was out I was completely in love with this girl. I always try to be there for her and she was always someone I could talk to. We enjoy each other’s company so much.


So, when the summer holiday started, I had only one goal: to make her know how I feel about her. I was so shy (OMG). One month and two weeks passed. Then, at a party, I asked her if she liked me. (That was dumb, since I was planning to tell her not ask her.) She said I’m a good boy, but she just can’t talk to me right now. She wouldn't tell me why, so I was just a little confused.


That didn't change my love for her not even a little bit. The next week, I heard she was moving to the next country (OMFG). I was so confused; I didn’t know what the hell to do. Anyway, I just avoided her, hoping if I didn’t see her, my feelings would die out for her. But this only makes it worse. So, night before she was to go soon arrived. My heart was broken.


I went over and I saw her. I was like so weak in my knees. She ran over to give me a hug, but I was so upset with her leaving I just told her to leave me alone. She asked me why I was acting like that. I just looked at her and walked away. When I got home, I stayed up all night thinking about her. Not only was she the girl of my dreams, but also my best friend.


Anyway, while she was gone, my love for her never changed a bit. I always know deep down inside that I was something wonderful to her. She treats me different than any other guy and we can never be mad with each other for a day (smile). So after some time she gave me a call and it meant so much to me. When she called I said that at least she was thinking of me.


I hold on a to a special niche in my heart that one day we will meet again and finally I can tell her how I really feel.


One day I got a call. It was from her. I was so shocked as she hadn’t called me in about 4-9 months. She told me she's coming back for the summer holidays. I felt something like my heart skip a beat. I couldn't wait (I was 17 at this time). I was pumped and ready to go. I haven't lost even a little love for her. I love her the same way, although she didn’t call. I didn't hold it against her; I just told myself that she was busy.


So the day came when she finally came back............


If anyone wants to hear more about this, just post. It does not stop there. I still got to write about what happened since the summer and after.

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So after 1yr and 8 months she was gonna be back I was so excited so I begon

getting well groom for her return. When she finally comes i didnt know till

about 2 days after when my bro went over there.When he got home he told me

that she came I was like OMG and she didnt even call me to let me know so

anyway I was saying to myself she must have forgot the good times we had

together but never the less I i got dress and went over there.So she lives

about 10 mins walking distance from me,When i got there i saw her bro first

he gave me a hearty welcome then i move on to meeting her.I stood next to

my cousin house and her bro tell me that he was gonna give her a call that

i came to see her.By this time my heart was race like hell so i saw her

coming towards I was so scared but glad to see her she gave me a hug amd I

just stood there looking at her i cant belive that it was her she look the

same basically but just more mature.When she gave me the hug me heart feels

like it had explode.So any way we begon to talking groups (not alone) my

usally i was a guy the can make everyone laugh so I was like in the center

stage I keep see her looking at me in a strange way she just keep staring

at me.So we all talk for about 20 min then she ask me to follow her and her

friends to get something at the shop.So when we were at the shop I was about

ready to leave because i didnt see me and her havning any alone time to tell

her how i feel so I told her i had to go she say that it had only be about

30 min i was here, i told her I had to go.She look at me saddly and say i

dont want to send anytime with her and i try to explan but by this time she

was so upset and when i try to talk she just got so upset and told me to

just go.I ask for a hug and she look at me maddly and walk away.At this time

when I was walking home I know that she still like my company so i was so

happy.By the time I got about 5 min into the walk I look at the time and say

i can stay about an hour more so i walk back to here she was.when I got

there i could she that she was very happy to see me but still a little upset.

So after a while she came to me and ask if i didnt have to go I told her I

can spend some more time with her (she smiled).So we chat a little then

finally i got some alone time with her, i didnt talk to her about how i feel

we just talk about what we been up to.So the time got really late i told her

that i had to go because i had quite a distance to walk, again she got

upset she ask if i cant stay over my cousin i told her that i was going to

work early tomorrow morning she was still upset.So i ended up stay for about

5 more min just to make her be happy with me going away.So she finally say I

can go now because she wont like for me to get rape(OMG) so when i was going

away i ask for a hug this time i got it and she even follow me part of the

way.That night I had that best sleep since she left.




SO the next day while coming form work i stop over there and we chat and had

a wonderful time as usally then time came when I had to she took it easy

time she invite me to a party i tole her sure.So at the party we went

together as friends that is so we were kidda early so we chat a little,

then this guy came over and start talking to her,(i was so mad)But after

a while it came clear to me she was not into him so then i just stood one

side and rock to the beat.After a while a next guy start hitting on her

(I was like OMFG)she was quite beauitiful so i kidda know that would

happen.So finally she was alone drinking and dancing,So i gave her a call

she came with a smile as usally.So i(this was really corny so see with me

i was shy) say she was showing sign that she like me if i was reading them

wrong.She told me that she was not showing any sign because she live in

the states and i live in jamaica.When she said that i could see the saddness

in her eyes so i just leave her alone for the time.For the next two day I

didnt went over her house.Then one day come form work the bus that i take

didnt come a bus that went her way came i didnt take the bus then i saw a

next bus coming im like finally, to my suprise it was a next bus going her

way again(im a guy that belive in signs) so i was like hmm so i take the bus

i made up my mind that i was gonna tell her tonight. Normal she would greet

me but that day she seems like she was ignoring me so i just didnt talk to

her i still wanted to tell her if she was in a bad mood so i stood one side

myself and just look around then I finally deside that it was best if i go

and keep my feelings to myself she was right anyway.So as i toke the first

step off i heard the sweetness of her voice call me saying why iam i not

talking to her i say i though she wasnt talkin to me so we laugh it off

i was so nerve i told her i need to tell her somthing before i started to

talk i make her understand that i was not trying to make up a corning line

and that what ever im about to tell her i want her to belive me completely

and she say that she alway belive me when im serious(and serious i was)

so i begon tell her how i feel.Telling her form how i grow to like her

and how she means alot to me and that i think of her almost every single

day since she leave.She listen well this took me about 8 min,she say that

she know that i always like her but she didnt know that it was this much

she also told me that a give that I gave her for her birthday that she still

had it in her draw.So before she answer me i told her not to give me an

answer out of pitty because that would make it worst for me and that no

matter what she say we will still be friends.So after finishing talking

to her about this I ask if she feel the same about me she walk around a bit

and i told her to think about it and tell me tomorrow because i dont want her

to say things she might not mean.She say that she was ready i told her think

about it then she gave me a hug then i went away.




The next day time was moving so slow i was excited and scared at the same

time but happy i got it off my mind.So i went over her home.....................



























Well hear iam again i just want to know if people are ready before i type my

heart out and people plz tell me what you think so far(If anyone read this)

and should i keep typing :)

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lol let me explain myself the reason why i can go over is because i use to live

in the community about 3 houses apart and everyone knows me.I even have

some cousin that live next door her so im always welcome there anytime at all. When i say i go over her house i mean into the community because (unlike yours from what you write blueeyegirl) people are alway on the road so we meet outside because everyone is out at night.




Sorry for anyone who misunderstand me, like blueeyegirl i didnt know people still act like they live in caves



So anyway should i still write? the rest is like a soapopra my friends say lol :)

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Hi Galis, finish the whole story....no need to keep asking if you should, just finish it. It sounds like you really love this gal and I'd like to know if you end up together or not. :) I hope you do!



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I agree...please finish. I'm diggin your Jamaican accent mon :cool:

totally rastafarian mon...get me out the peace pipe. I be smokin' it...:laugh:

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totally rastafarian mon...get me out the peace pipe. I be smokin' it...:laugh:


and i be takin a hit off the hooka as well mon :bunny:

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lOl people thx for reading mon lol(And i dont smoke lol )


The next day time was moving so slow i was excited and scared at the same

time but happy i got it off my mind.So i went over her home when i got there

she was having a bath so i waited scared as hell.When she finally got out

i call her we greet as usally and then i told her that she knows why im here

she smile and say yah.So we took a brake and she say that she her cousin

dont get over me yet im like Wtf she say that whenever she talk about me in

front of her cousin she get upset with her and that she cant be living in a

home with her cousin and she upset at her.At this time im like Wtf me and

her cousin stop talking about 4-5 years now,so i say anyway i ask her if she

thinks her cousin like me,really like me or love me. She say really like me

at this time i say i dont see her as anything but friends so i ask her what

about her, if she like me she say no i say you really like me she say yes

then shake her head saying no then i say you love my and she say yes for the

longest time now and that i mean alot to her(at this time if i could melt I

would).So i aske her if because of her cousin she gonna make that stop her

she say that she really want us to talk but her cousin would make her feel

uncomfortable.So i ask her what should i do with these feelings if i should

just throw them away she say yes(smile) i say i cant.At this time i begon

getting so upset i waited for 2 and a half year for an answer that i think

was gonna be we are just friends and then i found out that she loves me and

because of her cousin she was not gonna give me a chance.So i begon telling

her that she dont care about me and that she selfish she hug me and say that

i not to think like that because she really loves me and i say i dont think

so and she say she will talk to me but not now somtime in the future.So i

ask her what if when shes ready i find someone else (i didnt mean it i know

i wouldnt find someone i love as much as her).She that then as long as im

happy she happy,i got piss and say that she dont care and i know she dont

really care about me,she begon crying and say that im make her feel bad

about herself and that i dont care about her.So i just stop talking and

she was like i really love you and that she alway hope that i love her too

and she really want to spend her live with me.Im like really now i dont

belive you.She gave me a hug and say it was better if i never talk to her

again and walk away.I was so pissed i was like how long i had wait for this

day and now i know she love me as much but there had to be a problem.So i

on the street corner with my good friend and explain to him i was so pissed

.Then i saw one of her friends come over and she started to explain to me

whole cousin thing that if she was to talk to me her cousin would like

whenever she call me her cousin would make a big argument out of it and

get her mom involve in it and would make a big argument...(at this time

i started to understand what Mellisa would go though if she was to talk

to me).So i try to explain to her that i didnt understand and that im sorry

for make her feel bad.( i didnt tell her in person because she didnt want

to see me).So i just went home and say that im just gonna give her a little

time to cool down.






So when i got home i was telling myself that i needed to talk to her cousin

in person and ask her Wtf.So the next day i didnt have work so i went over

early and send my cousin to tell her again that im sorry.When my cousin came

back she tell him that I dont need to worry she got over it and got over me

and i was to do the same(im like over me so soon hmmm).So that night she

didnt even want come near me (lol).So i call her cousin and ask her Wtf

her cousin told me that she like me still but she like her cousin more and

that she would rather see her happy and that she dont have a problem.So

i went to tell her the good news and when i tell Mellisa she said that she

was only talking but she dont really mean it.(Hmmm) So later that i try to

talk to her and she just keep walking away from me till i finally got a

hold of her.She was just not talking to me at all and she say that anyway

even if her cousin got over it we can never really be lover and that it cant

work out(living so far apart).So i ask if shes over me already she said no

but soon(hmm).And then the silence treatment start again so i just leave her

alone when i was going away i told her bye and she gave me a very dry bye.

when i got home i told myself that it was the last straw and that i would

never go back over there till she was gone(That was a Saturday).when i got

home tuesday i got a text on my phone im gonna tell you exaxtly what it say

(Roje im sorry for how i act but u made me so mad about the cousin thing,U

were also acting im not hurt too.I want u to know i love u too.:-( ).So at

this ponit im like hmm so i gave her a call she say that yes she love me

alot but we cant work out and that i will get over it.hmm lol i was so piss

she dont even give me a chance to talk so i just she it seems like she made

up her mind.She had about 2 weeks here left so i just totally zone out and

try to have some sex to forget about her but when i tried i keep thinking

of her and i couldnt do it(i was like WTF).So anyway the friday they were

going out so i got invited to go clubing by her cousin.So during the time

before we went to the club we look at each other a bit but we didnt talk

at all.





When we were finally at the club i was there dancing and enjoying myself

(at less acting lol) I could she her time and time lookin at me and i just

ingnore her.Then she start dancing with my friend and looking at me and

smiling.So i went and go dance with her cousin :p .As soon she saw me she

gave me a look and went to go sit at the bar.For about 10 min she sat there

just looking around.I felt so guilty i went over and said you start it first

we both laugh it off and begon talkin.Then about 3 min into the convo she

stop and say if she told me not to talk to her again (i pause) i told her

that i know she didnt mean it and we laugh it off.The rest of the night

was magicial she told me that she loves me and i told her that i love her

we dance so slow song and talk(I didnt bother ask her if we can work it

out i was ready and will to wait for her).So the rest of the 2 weeks was on

and off talking i really wanted to work it out with her but i just told

myself if love was real we will be together in the long run.So the next

friday we went clubbing again.This time we were talking so as usally

we dance and stuff this time it was more intimate and sexy(smile).Then

troble in paradise again she told me in a middle of the dance that she

will soon be back,i saw her walk off with one of her friend.Then i hear

some song that we like dancing together and she was no where to be found.

Then i saw her with a next guy dancing in the back i had no problem if she

dance with someone but i hated the guy she was dancing with and just felt

weak in my knees i just went and had a seat.I told myself that this was the

last straw so i just leave the club.(At this point she had less then a week

left).So i just avoided her completely the rest of the time she was here

of course i was hurting(Hmmm).So the night before she left i went on the

mall to get myself a Chain,when i was in the store i remeber her birthday

was coming up and she will be gone by that time so I buy here a gift(a gold

ring).So that night she i went over and when she see me she ask why i left

the club i just say nothing,we chat for a while then i gave her the ring

she really love it(smile).I told her that it was for her birthday and a

symbol of the love i have for her.So we chat a little then i went home.




So it was the final day now(sigh)i was like i try but very well.So my mom

wented me to go at some family party they live a far away distance,so if I

went i would have time to get back to see her.I kinda wanted to go with my

mom so i can just try and hurry and get over it fast.So i gave her a call

and told her i cant make it tonight she was really piss she tried to make

it sound like she was ok with it but i know she was piss as hell.So I just

went to my family party,while i was on my way there about a hour or so in

trip i told my mom i cant go and i explain to her why.So i hurry back to

Mellisa to she her for the final time.So that night i didnt really talk to

her because inside of me was hurting like hell i never felt such pain(maybe

if i had talk to her i would brake out in tears lol).So we just say hi

most of the night I talk to her friends and she talk to mine.When it was

time for her to go we walk pass each other then she call me back and told me

to give her a hug,I told her i love her she say I will get over it so i ask

if she will she look at me saddly and just walk away.When i got home I just

went to sleep,when i got up that was when the block hit me i was so weak

i know she's gone now i felt so mess up inside.







She left 31/08/2006 her

birthday was on 09/09/2006 during that time she didnt call at all

so when it was her birthday I was like she forgot about me but i gave her a

call because i still cared so when i call her she was like she think i was

not gonna call and if i didnt i could never speak to her every again(smile)

So i told her unlike she i care,she say no she does she told me the morning

when she was going away her mom had to push her out the house she didnt

wanted to leave at all(smile) she say that she still love me(hmm),then

she tell me that when she done with school she was gonna come back and live

in jamaica.So the week carry on she gave me a call,so i ask her if when she

comes back to jamaica if she would hope that me and her can start a relation

ship,she says yes,i told her that if she up to the challenge of waiting for

that long she told me that i'm the only boy she ever love and that i was

worth the wait,she like what about me if i will wait for her(of coruse)i say

what if i talk to other girl(i wont i just wanted to her what she was gonna

say)she say that she dont have a problem but she dont want to see any of

them when she come back(laugh).I told her that no i wont talk to any other

girl and i ask what she was gonna do she say that i need to worry not she

wont talk to any boy i'm all that she needs(she i a type of girl that i can

trust). So she gave me a call thursday she said she just wanted to her

voice.and then i gave her a call saturday moring she gave me back a call

saturday night.We chat for a while about a number of things,I told her

that i hope that i never mess up at all adn that she dont mess up either,

she say she know she wont because she have everything she want the only

thing that she wants to make her live perfect is me(smile)






So she wont be back till about some time summer of 2008(hmm lol) and im

here just waiting and hoping.I told her that i will never cheat on her

and i intend to keep me word....



How strange is this at one point i was giving up hope and then she just

came around so soon.I have no idea what the future hold i just hope im

holding her in my arm.











CAN INSTANE MESSGAE ME at [email protected]

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Hahaha aww this story is so cute :)

I hope you get to see her before 2008 during vacations or something... Anyways good luck I hope it works out well in the end

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Thx princessa for reading glad you enjoy it yup its gonna be a long wait, but i know once we meet it while seem very short. thx again


I really hope it works out for you ... BUTTTTTTT (haha ok I hate to be serious like this cause you seem really really in love and serious about this and everything).. but I just checked your age and well.. If I could give you one word of advice it would be to always be prepared for the worst-case scenario. I know it's unimaginable when you love the person this much and they love you back, but sh* happens, so it's best to be prepared just in case. And if it doesn't work out for whatever reason, don't be too hard on yourself. :)


Basically I'm trying to say that from my experience, from age 17 to 21 a WHOLE load of things have changed that I could have never predicted at 17. So the most important thing is to keep doing your thing and evolving to better yourself regardless of this relationship. Just don't get stuck in the "waiting" mode, and dont turn down other opportunities regarding your life (not necessarily romantic opportunities) because you're waiting for this girl. While you're waiting forget about the relationship, and just focus on yourself. In the end if she comes back, then great, you will have something to show for those 2 years, and she will appreciate that you're a better man. If not, then you will be happy with yourself and not have wasted time just waiting around. Bottom line is hope for the best but be ready for the worst. :cool:

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prinessa once again thx i know the risk i take. Both me and her but it is a risk im willing to take and remeber she also taking a risk as well.I just dont want to see her and be saying to myself what if i'm gonna try my best and have no regrets in the end if it dont work out :)

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wow Galis i knew you lover her but I didn't think love her this much. I'm saying the same thing as prinessa be ready for the worst.


O almost forgot.....


I'm Andre (Galis)Roje's best friend. I'm from jamaica too and he told me about this nice forum.

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Yow dark glad you read it and understand now how far these feelings are coming from.And dont worry man i ready if anything go wrong i just dont want to be the one that mess up if i dont then i would not really have a problem im cool man. :)

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wow Galis i knew you lover her but I didn't think love her this much. I'm saying the same thing as prinessa be ready for the worst.


O almost forgot.....


I'm Andre (Galis)Roje's best friend. I'm from jamaica too and he told me about this nice forum.


Well you keep an eye on him and make sure give him a reality check if things get out of hand........ and by reality check i mean............ kick in the nuts :cool:

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Im ok i wont go mad if she leaves me im ok really im just glad i got to tell her how i feel thx for the concern but if she dont wanna be with me im ok dam(mi young and donkey no bit me) lo l:p

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Sorry i have not being able to reply mi net down any way me and my girl still hook up I still love her and she say she still love me.Well her sister is coming for the holiday i think she coming to but dont want to tell me(a suprise). Well anyway if she dont come i'm going there summer so just hope she hold on till then :cool:

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