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hi guys......i want experts replyin here...............what if ur intrested in a girl..who u think and see signs of her in trest in u..............




2-WHAT TO SAY....??




:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:


May this thread be a guide to us all,...........:)

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hi guys......i want experts replyin here...............what if ur intrested in a girl..who u think and see signs of her in trest in u..............




2-WHAT TO SAY....??




:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:


May this thread be a guide to us all,...........:)


dude im in the same boat

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for some odd reason - i like the way you preface your question more so than others that always ask this here...


soooo..... you must be a bit more average than the "average bear" :lmao: :lmao:


just make eye contact in a non-confrontational way, and say something genuinely nice. Or - you could ask about the settings around you (hey, who's winning the game? what inning is it?) after that, something that is not intrusive. (where have you visited that you enjoy?). Let her talk... she will love you...


yep, as you can see - i am a gal that is a sports fan....

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I've had guys come up to me that I didn't know very well...and just compliment me.


For instance, "Hi, I'm Jim. (pause) Wow, you have nice eyes!"


Then, smile :)


and just walk away..................................say no more to her then.


This will make a very big first impression! Next time you see her, I guarantee you that she will be open to talkin' to you some more. She might even start the convo.


Alpha...behave. :) You are quite awnry tonight.

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2-WHAT TO SAY....??


1. As soon as you see her, run the fastest you can toward her and stand next to her then smile.

2. Say "Hi, Miss... I think you have incredible boobs. Can I see them naked?" :D


No, seriosuly, I think joking would be nice.


Approach her and say "Miss, do you know what time is it?" She will answer something.. then you say: "NO, it's time for us to meet each other!" :p


Or you can say: "Hi. I used to have shoes like yours... just kidding :D... my name is _____, how are you?"



You get the picture... think of something funny and original. Sense of humor and self-confidence are the sexiest things in any woman's eyes. ;)

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first of all you are asking the wrong sex!!!! if you want to know these things you never ask the same sex!!! you ask what the women like... there is your first mistake.NEXTTTTTTT:D

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