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Freakin MySpace

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This advice is actually for me to give a friend who's been struggling with an issue with her boyfriend. She's been with this guy for about 9 months. The relationship is pretty serious and definitely exclusive. I can honestly say that he is a great guy and he treats her so well. So I'm not really sure why she went on his myspace account, but she did. She's not even sure why she felt the need.


But she found some messages he had sent to girls on there. Telling one she looked hot in her bikini, telling another to hit him up, etc. Now the weird thing is he had told her about all of this. Apparently he thinks MySpace is a joke and decided to accept these girls as his "friends". He even told her he was replying to these girls as a joke and basically thought these girls were a joke as well. At the time she was able to laugh it off, but she said when she saw it herself it bothered her.


Personally, I don't know why it was neccesary for him to message these girls. She doesn't want to bring it up because she doesn't want him to know she was on his MySpace account. I don't really know what to tell her because part of me thinks that's a little sketch and part of me is saying it was just a joke. Afterall he did tell her he did it and prior to this he's shown no red flags or weird behavior. She said she can honestly say she knows he'd never cheat on her, so this has kind of thrown her off.


Any thoughts?

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But she found some messages he had sent to girls on there. Telling one she looked hot in her bikini, telling another to hit him up, etc. Now the weird thing is he had told her about all of this. Apparently he thinks MySpace is a joke and decided to accept these girls as his "friends". He even told her he was replying to these girls as a joke and basically thought these girls were a joke as well. At the time she was able to laugh it off, but she said when she saw it herself it bothered her.


I've heard the "I'm replying to them as a joke" line. Friends of mine (both males and females) have heard it too. Sometimes it was pretty evident that it was "just as a joke". Sometimes not.


She did know he had a myspace account because he told her about it, right?

If he knew that she knew, perhaps his intentions were really harmless.

And I guess he wouldn't really have any problem if she looked at his account - why on earth should he?


Is he willing to show your friend whatever he writes to those girls?


Anyway IMO, if you are in a relationship you have no business acting like an idiot on myspace.

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look at the profiles belonging to the girls he is talking to... if she has tons of friends and all her pics are seductive, then he is likely telling the truth (I am a girl with a fairly modest page and I get messages from these girls!!) If these girls are from his area, have few friends, have normal looking pages then there is something to worry about.


Just my opinion.

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Afterall he did tell her he did it


yeah....right...and thats EXACTLY what he is going to say when he gets confronted for posessing the "contraband" emails and profiles....


We all did this as children.....told our elders (parents, whatever) that we were going to "do" something that vaguely resembled the truth, just in case we were ever caught in the general vicinity of said activity, person, place, thing, whatever, we wouldnt divulge the WHOLE truth, just a portion of it, enough of it for it to sound reasonably true, and to get whomever to cooperate and get off our backs.


Ever hear of a little thing called "shaded truth"? He told her that for a couple of reasons, one is to assuage his guilt, another is in the event that he ever got "caught" he can at least say that he told you that he had an account, and yet another reason is to cover his tracks, using lame "its all a joke" excuses for reasons why he needs to "flirt" with other women.


Very neatly packaged. He told you before you caught him, his mind is resting easy, and he gets to flirt and chat with chicks under the premises of "its all just a joke"....I would wonder what else is "just a joke"..very clever.


However, if he has never cheated or given any other reason to mistrust him, I would wait it out, DO NOT divulge you have an inkling about the whole myspace ordeal, and just check up on it periodically. You will know when things start to become wierd and abnormal, by that sinking feeling you get in your stomach. Until then, keep cool, and remember this: Innocent until proven guilty.

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Did you all see the young woman in AZ (I think) that saw a pic of her boyfriend on myspace with some other girl?


Yeah, this freak tried hiring someone (an undercover cop)to kill the girl in the pic.


Go figure!!

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I did read that! Crazy Crazy woman!!!


Myspace is not all that great for relationships, read my previous thread, some more input would be nice, it's titled "do i get past it".


About this thread, it is inappropriate to be telling other girls they are hot online or not...joking (which we all know he's a guy and thinks they are hot), or not.


Take the advice of looking at the girls sites, where they are from and what there page is like. I agree with that. Good luck to ur 'friend'.

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Why would he bother spending time of MySpace if he thinks it's a jokse or lame? Why not leave Myspace alone and do something else? I don't get guys like this. If he thinks it's a bad thing, why does he have to actively mock it?

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