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Is this what I think?

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Concerned Friend

Im concerned about a mate of mine, basically he has been with gf for a few years, recently he has met this woman whom he classes as a "friend", although he tells me she is single, and they talk alot about his problems with his gf (which I think this woman is causing). he claims this woman is a good listener, so thats why they talk about it, but he has only known her 3months, and I'm concerned for his girlfriend that this friendship is going somewhere dodgy. Am i right in thinking this? or am i being too suspicious of him?

if i am right, should i say something to his gf? she is a nice girl

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Ahhh, the "good listener." Sounds like he could be on the road to cheating, maybe even just one good fight or one drunken night away from it.


You are right to be concerned. He should NOT be talking to this other woman about problems with his GF. He SHOULD be talking to his girlfriend.


The other woman, if interested in him, will use their problems to HER OWN advantage.


For instance, she could say, "Oh, your girlfriend is horrible. If you were my guy, I would never do that. In fact, I would be so busy giving you blow jobs that I wouldn't have time to do anything that gets on your nerves."


It's never good for a guy to grow closer to another woman, and further away from his GF.


You can at the very least refuse to lie for your friend. If you are also friends with the girlfriend, then you can drop the new friend's name in conversation. See if she even knows about her. Then the girlfriend can grill the boyfriend.


Now, if you tell then your friend might feel betrayed. Just remind him that if it's all so innnocent, then he shouldn't mind his girlfriend knowing about it. And if it's not so innocent, then he should get off your back.


Tell him he should either leave the other woman alone, or at least break up with his girlfriend before going after the other woman.


People tell themselves all kinds of lies. Especially ones about not being interested in members of the opposite sex, when they actually are.


Friends don't let friends f##ck up without giving them a reality check.

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