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Asking a Girl Out to Homecoming


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How should I ask out this girl I really like for homecoming? How will I know she wants a kiss or something? Even though my homecomin isn't til 10/28, i'll want 2 know in advance about how to ask her out, b/c i've nevr done it b4.

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ok, but will she be thinking that i might be "asking her out" because i dunno if she likes me. just so u all know, this is the same girl from my last thread.

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Well, you do like her so if she thinks you're asking her out, great! And you ARE asking her out - homecoming dance is definitely OUT!


Just relax and ask her. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Don't sit around worrying about it and stressing out and wondering and playing the 'what if' game - just ask her!

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Ok, then forget it. Don't ask her out and you'll be 1000% positive that she won't go to homecoming with you - that's the only sure thing there is.

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