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Making eye contact

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I'm sure were pretty far in too the thread and someone might have already stated this but


I smile to everyone all the time. She might of just taken it as a friendly gesture. Nex time try smiling and giving a little wink ;) hahaha

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*claps* Grateful- I couldn't have said it better myself :)


Thanks - I prefer applause for my thoughts rather than smiles of appreciation for my looks. ;)


I just thought the original post was awfully presumptuous:


Do most women get creeped out by this, or do they think maybe they'll be labeled as a slut or something if they look back? Is their trick to wait until you aren't looking to take a peek?


As if women are walking down the street worried that they will look like sluts rather than worried about paying their bills, meeting their deadlines, being supportive of family, maintaining their homes just like any man might be. My primary function in the world is not eye candy.

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Very interesting comments from all, especially the ladies. I can really see where a lot of you are coming from, and living in the world we live in, having the need to keep your guard up at times. It's interesting to hear the other point of view from the opposite sex.


"I just thought the original post was awfully presumptuous:"


grateful, it was just a question, not meant to label or generalize women negatively. Of all the women I've known, dated or been friends with in the past, I know being labeled 'a slut' is probably the worst thing that a woman can be labeled as, which is why I included it as a theory as to why women are often subtle instead of more outgoing. I've even had girls as friends who made the exact same comments, fearing they'd look like a slut when approaching a guy they are interested in. In no way was I trying to imply a woman's sole purpose in life is to be eye candy...I was just trying to figure out why most women appear to be so subtle in their sexual nonverbal communication.


" Thanks - I prefer applause for my thoughts rather than smiles of appreciation for my looks. ;) "


That's what drives me wild about a good woman...intelligence. To me, a girl can be good looking, but women that are independent, stand up for their opinions and beliefs are incredibly sexy. I find women that look good, but have no personality or wit, and no capacity for independent thought an incredible turn-off. Unfortunately, I think both men and women may misconstrude things about initial attraction and flirting, which really is the gateway to meeting people of the opposite sex. And that is exactly my point in starting this thread, trying to meet smart, attractive women without acting like I'm there just for their body.


In my experience, women are often very subtle when they check men out. I can't tell you how many times I've run into a woman I'm interested in, thinking she's not really interested, and then have someone tell me a minute later, when it's too late, that that girl was checking me out. Other times, it's been people in classes I've had or others I meet randomly in the things I do outside of work, and someone will point out to me after the fact that so and so liked me (I've seen this happen to friends of mine over the years, as well). With all of this subtlety, it's a wonder how anyone gets together at all! ;)


I have another question for everyone. What are some ways that you (men and women) show nonverbally that you are interested in someone?

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I have another question for everyone. What are some ways that you (men and women) show nonverbally that you are interested in someone?

I just make extended eye contact without doing any of the smiling krap. I'm pretty good looking so I get the non-verbals from chicks all the time. Women go out of their way to help me just because i'm gorgeous. Its weird, I know.

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I just make extended eye contact without doing any of the smiling krap. I'm pretty good looking so I get the non-verbals from chicks all the time. Women go out of their way to help me just because i'm gorgeous. Its weird, I know.


What are some things women do to get your attention? Usually with me, it's always started that I'm walking by or looking at something and I sense a pair of eyes looking at me and then I catch them in the act. This has almost always been when a girl has been by herself. When they are in pairs, or groups, it is really hard to tell, especially bc if they are looking at you, they are also talking to their friend at the same time.

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What are some things women do to get your attention?

um...lets see:

  1. They make quick eye contact then look down.
  2. They walk by me a few times
  3. They play with their hair whilst looking at me
  4. They'll look at me real quick then look away and give a slight smile while looking away.
  5. When sitting they will point their legs or feet in my direction
  6. They will be sort of fidgety and/or nervous
  7. They will look directly at me and give me a big toothy smile
  8. They'll come up to me and say they want to lick my nut-sack :lmao:

No, actually they don't do #8. They biggest things you should look for is repeated quick eye contact, playing with the hair and/or jewelry and the smile.... The more signals you see the better :)

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um...lets see:

  1. They make quick eye contact then look down.
  2. They walk by me a few times
  3. They play with their hair whilst looking at me
  4. They'll look at me real quick then look away and give a slight smile while looking away.
  5. When sitting they will point their legs or feet in my direction
  6. They will be sort of fidgety and/or nervous
  7. They will look directly at me and give me a big toothy smile
  8. They'll come up to me and say they want to lick my nut-sack :lmao:

No, actually they don't do #8. They biggest things you should look for is repeated quick eye contact, playing with the hair and/or jewelry and the smile.... The more signals you see the better :)

You forgot blushing.:o


My personal favorite is when they scream "GET THE F--- AWAY FROM ME OR I'M CALLING THE POLICE!!!" That's when I know they really like me.:love::p

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I was in the supermarket the other day and there was a young girl serving me. I said to her "It's a lovely day outside, isn't it?" she snapped back with "How would I know?!?!?"


I got the hint and left it at that. I thought it was rude but I didn't persevere her or try to talk to her....I just left it. So I can completely undertsnad Pink's problem with if she's having a stressy or a bad day, the last thing she wants is someone hassling her...I think that is totally fair enough.


The the OP, I am the type you will see minding my own business, yet when someone looks at me or strikes up a conversation, I have all the time in the world to talk to them. I don't go looking for people to hassle or anything, but I often get people sitting and talking to me while I;m eating my lunch, and as much as I want to have my lunch in peace, I don't mind a bit of a chat.


I get approached on a daily basis by guys, some rude, some not rude....either way, I will reply back kindly to whatever they say and move on.


As far as smiling while walking past.....which I believe was the original question, I think it has to be the most courteous thing someone could do. I am usually too busy thinking about how f*cking hungry I am and to get to the food court to have my lunch to smile at anyone, but when I catch a polite smile comin' my way, it brightens up my day. I give them a big pearly whiter straight back and keep going on my way. If they stop to talk, I will stop to talk....


Courtesy is often forgot nowadays, and I was brought up in a pretty strict environment with "please" and "thankyou" and all that...


To the OP, a smile really is contageous...I have NO issue with a fine looking gentleman giving me a little smile every now and then.


Kindness and genuine friendliness rocks, but sleaziness and kinda freakiness sucks.


I know this didn't really make sense....aaaaanway, carry on!! :)

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My man who posted this to start with im sure is just trying to figure out how to say hi to a girl and maybe talk a bit. If no one ever approched anyone then it would be a very secluded world. I say if you want to try to talk to someone or whatever jsut do it, dont think about it. If they want to tell you to go a away or be rude about it thats there problem just move on. The world is full of spice and you never find that out if you never get out there and just do it.

As far as the Aussie with the mircophone goes thats the path you choose, dosent mean you have to be rude to everyone else, just shake it off when someones rude to you and move on maybe flash someone a smile you might find you get one back and it just might brighten up your day a bit.

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Jersey Shortie
I just make extended eye contact without doing any of the smiling krap. I'm pretty good looking so I get the non-verbals from chicks all the time. Women go out of their way to help me just because i'm gorgeous. Its weird, I know.



Ususally when I make eye contact with a guy and he doesn't smile at me I think he is just staring at the zit on my face.



But I like when I make eye contact with guys. But I get nervous so even if I think he is cute I look away and might not smile. I don't think I give good cues.

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I could really care less how women react to a compliment or a hello. If I feel like giving a women a compliment then I will give her one and if she is rude about it that is her problem. It doesn't ruin my day nor does it stop me from behaving any differently.

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I find up here in Canada...we are generally very friendly...However..I go to school in a hopsital setting and its pretty funny to see all the med students and docs walking around NEVER making eye contact....It may be that they meet a few hundred people everyday and it gets anoying to have to say hi to everyone of them....so in support of those who don't smile...or make eye contact..I am offering a different reason as to why you may encounter coolness when trying to be friendly yourself. Especially if the girl is so called "hot". You are most likely NOT the first person to smile at her.


Not to toot my own horn here...but I'm considered to be somewhat on the hottish side......:D.and I would need to put vaseline on my teeth to keep smiling at everyone who smiles at me....it gets tedious guys !!!

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I am always gracious when I receive a compliment and I am only rude to these guys when they don't take a hint. But I have a very high stress job when I have a looming deadline and I just don't have the time to worry about every Tom, Dick and Harry's feelings when I am busy.


Call me a prude, arrogant or snobbish, but when I am walking down the street I usually have more important things on my mind than men.


Would your reaction be the same if the guy was drop dead gorgeous? Or for example, good-looking *and* some famous celebrity you had the hots for?


If I'm playing pool with friends, or drinking a beer, or trying to work, then I would be annoyed if some unattractive woman kept perstering me. Or even if she was attractive but not my type. However, if she looked like the woman of my dreams, I don't care what I am doing, I'd definitely take notice.

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No S&W, you are incorrect....first he must ascertain if she is interested, then he flirts with her nonverbally, then he converses, then he check out her personality (and physical attributes)....


Get the order correct please.



it might also help if he does show some minimal interest in her friend...that does work for some people...

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Would your reaction be the same if the guy was drop dead gorgeous? Or for example, good-looking *and* some famous celebrity you had the hots for?



It makes no difference.


If I'm busy, it doesn't matter how attractive the guy is.


As I said, I usually have more important things on my mind.


On the other hand, if I have nothing better to do, and I'm feeling a little naughty, I might wink as a stroll past.


Having said that, I only do that to shy guys, or guys they pay little attention to me.


I like the challenge.

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Tip: If a stressed out looking woman is wearing a suit, and holding a microphone, she doesn't want to hear that some 18 year old guy wearing a baseball cap thinks she has a great ass.




Oh come on, admit it, you love it!


Would you rather have a little kid point at you and say "mommy, look at that fat lady over there!"


What if, instead of an 18 year old guy wearing a baseball cap, it was a nice tall handsome businessman with a hard body who said you have a great ass? :):p:laugh:



As master Yoda once said, "When 800 years old you become, look as good, you will not!"

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I'm going to state something very, very obvious:

never, ever make eye contact, smile, say hi to a lady who is walking in the same direction as you past 10.00 pm in a relatively deserted part of the town. Expecially do not keep turning to check her reaction if she did not reply to your hi...


(this is coming from very recent personal experience. I think I've just been very rude to a young man, but I was pretty creeped out :o)


This was my useless and uncalled for piece of advice for today. I could have posted in the rants section but it was kind of on topic :p

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Would you rather have a little kid point at you and say "mommy, look at that fat lady over there!"



No, but I did have a little boy say to his mother very loudly outside a crowded bank one cold morning "MUM I CAN SEE THAT LADIES NIPPLES". :laugh: :laugh: Little sh*t.


I'm going to state something very, very obvious:

never, ever make eye contact, smile, say hi to a lady who is walking in the same direction as you past 10.00 pm in a relatively deserted part of the town. Expecially do not keep turning to check her reaction if she did not reply to your hi...


Saying hi when you are walking in the same direction is always creepy, but at night!!!??? What was he thinking! :eek:

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No, but I did have a little boy say to his mother very loudly outside a crowded bank one cold morning "MUM I CAN SEE THAT LADIES NIPPLES". :laugh: :laugh: Little sh*t.


Ugh. I hate kids for a reason. Do you think he did it on purpose (some kids *are* sh*ts :laugh: ) or was it one of those brutally innocent comments?


Saying hi when you are walking in the same direction is always creepy, but at night!!!??? What was he thinking! :eek:


Well, he was actually on a bike.

I didn't mention that he first just passed me (turning briefly to look at me - which is okay), then he stopped nearby, waited until I walked past him, got back on his bike, passed me again, said hi and kept turning back...


I am now sorry that I was rude (did not say anything, pretended I hadn't heard, fished in my purse for a cell phone and a pocket knife and held them in each hand - the pocket knife expecially *is* a pretty rude touch :laugh: ) - he looked okay, had this "clean" guy look and he very probably meant no harm, but I was quite creeped out.


I think you are the first person that mentioned than saying hi when walking in the same direction (even in daylight, or in a busy place) is usually a bad idea.

It's worth pointing out, imo - it's very good advice!!!


(I would have never thought of it, it's not so immediate)

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