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Shrek, Bo Peep, and Office Politics...Oh My!

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I'm currently a marketing manager for a cash strapped operation. I didn't know it was cash strapped until I started. I also didn't know that I wasn't going to be allowed to manage my own department.


Instead of being able to back up my own files monthly and give them to my boss, who several people in the know have nicknamed Bo Peep, I was informed by the office manager, who several people in the know have nicknamed Shrek, that she had to back them up, that she would be keeping a copy and so would my boss. Well, why does she have authority over me to have access to my laptop, files and password monthly? I wouldn't normally worry, except that she has been known to mess up files previously. Also, she herself refused to support the marketing department--on my first day she told me that in plain English. She yelled at the boss that she wasn't going to do any telemarketing and flat out refused to do it. So I've since managed that aspect of the marketing department and she no longer answers marketing line calls.


That said, sometimes marketing calls come into the main line that Shrek does still answer. She is supposed to transfer all marketing calls to me or take a message if I'm not in the office. Instead she has taken calls and talked leads right out of setting appointments, or does not take a message as she is required to do.


All this, and yet, nothing happens to her. She gets no reprimand or punishment of any kind. But if I try to talk to Bo Peep the Boss about my concerns, I can never do so privately. She always has to be there. I'm not allowed to conduct my weekly marketing meetings with a closed door. If I request a private meeting I get a maybe from my boss, and he changes his schedule constantly without telling me.


We have a new online calendar system that updates in real time, and all employees are supposed to update it every day. He doesn't--he'll tell Shrek the office manager where he'll be, but fail to communicate with me. Then, I'll come in expecting and prepping for a meeting, only to find he isn't going to be there.


The office manager has meetings with him whenever I am out of the office. Then, at a marketing meeting, he'll bring up her points and say that I'm wrong and/or say that a team meeting is needed. I never get to have my own two cents.


I can't continue to work like this, where I'm not being allowed to manage my own department and functions, and not be given the opportunity to communicate my thoughts privately as the others are allowed to do. Furthermore, why is it that I'm being told by Shrek the office manager and Parrot the production manager, respectively, what I'm to do with my laptop? Why is it they have authority to my information, but I don't have access to anything? Why isn't the boss the one to authorize this to me?


The office manager took home the backed up files today. What gives her the right to do that?


So basically, she can have access to marketing department information anytime she wants, and can mess with it and say I'm the one who's wrong--she's done it before and I was blamed even though I was NOT wrong and previously spent 15 hours sorting out information from her inaccurate reports. But of course, the boss took her side, without even listening to mine.


I can't quit this job, but I absolutely hate it. I'm looking for another one to get out of there ASAP. Meanwhile, how do I retain my sanity???

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Well, you have to do what your boss says, that's just the way it is. If you're working for a company that isn't completely crap that usually works out ok.


Make your own back ups to cover your back and keep notes on what is going on, just in case they try to blame you for anything, you have to protect yourself.


Keep looking for another job, that is the only way out of this situation, depressing though it is. If you want out there is no point rocking the boat, just keep your head down and do what you have to do to get a decent reference. Then you can leave them to wallow in their own mess.

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