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NOOO! I thought I was over all this jealous crap!

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I'm back now.




Oh and Love..sorry, but his immaturity WILL wreck whatever love you think you have now...sorry but it's true. You'll see.

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Among all those sh*tty faults he has, I still do accpet him as a great guy, boyfriend and best friend.

Fool's gold or true love?


I vote for :love: :love:.


Hmmm...but I'm hardly ever right. And never about love. Not the best omen. You know what they say - there's a first time for everything (if you're lucky enough).

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I didn't mean it as an insult. I just mean that Alphamale speaks like that. There's a desire to be right that seems to be very important to you in this case.


I'm not sure how you'd feel if someone told you that the most meaningful relationship you have right now is doomed. With no hope whatsoever. That's just how it is. Might as well just resign yourself to it. It will never last. Suck it up. I'm right, because I say so, because I'm older.

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I didn't mean it as an insult. I just mean that Alphamale speaks like that. There's a desire to be right that seems to be very important to you in this case.


I'm not sure how you'd feel if someone told you that the most meaningful relationship you have right now is doomed. With no hope whatsoever. That's just how it is. Might as well just resign yourself to it. It will never last. Suck it up. I'm right, because I say so, because I'm older.


You're an idiot. I want the best for Love. I meant no harm whatsoever. So what was the longest relationship YOU ever had, JOHAN? Let's talk. Have you ever been with a woman for longer than three years? Didn't think so.


You can go away now.

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Ok, Alfemale. I'll go. But I'm right. You keep repeating this to her, like you think it will actually help in some way. Maybe you should explain in what way you think it will help.


What should she do on the off chance she actually decides to put your great wisdom to use? Dump him now? Lose hope? Stop trying? What's your solution?

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You can go away now.

That goes for me too.


Tell me about your mother. And don't forget to take your pills.

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You're both idiots.


No, Johan...she should still hang on and be his doormat. Is that what I should tell her?


I didn't hear any solutions there. Just hanging onto your prophesy. You were saying this before the doormat stuff ever came up, as soon as you realized they were young. So the "doormat" thing can't factor into this.

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No, Johan...she should still hang on and be his doormat. Is that what I should tell her?

I think that you should remember that there are no absolutes in life - even when it comes to your sage advice.


Hmmm...maybe death is an absolute, but it's too late to think properly.


(And, for the record, I meant that your advice smells like pot.)

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Oh PUHLEEZE! Go back and read my past posts. I've said all this before. Their ages really have nothing at all to do with this. My advice still stands. And it stands for a 17 year old or a 40 year old. Makes no difference at all.


A doormat is a doormat at any age. And a goddess is a goddess at any age as well.

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Oh yes, we've nearly come full circle now. My work here is done.


What work? You've done nothing. You and your arrogant little sidekick have done nothing at all. How have you really helped? Care to tell us all?

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I think they both still need a lot of growing up to do. As hard as Touche's advice is I do not think that she is so far off base. I think that one also has to say that lovestruck has some insecurity issues that she also will need to work on. I think it is a two way street here...

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I think that you should remember that there are no absolutes in life - even when it comes to your sage advice.


Hmmm...maybe death is an absolute, but it's too late to think properly.


(And, for the record, I meant that your advice smells like pot.)


Platitudes and rhetoric...


Can't you do better?

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You and your arrogant little sidekick

Haha...I'm nobody's bitch, bitch!


Sorry for all this, lovestruck...as long as you're still enjoying the attention.

Platitudes and rhetoric...

Pretentious? Moi?

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I think they both still need a lot of growing up to do. As hard as Touche's advice is I do not think that she is so far off base. I think that one also has to say that lovestruck has some insecurity issues that she also will need to work on. I think it is a two way street here...


Thank you lovercet. And despite what some people think, I really wish them the best. It's just that lovestruck is JUST like I used to be. I know where she is in life and I know what she needs to do to grow.


No matter what I say, it will come across as all-knowing. I realize that. But when you've been there and you KNOW what's it's like you will come across that way. So be it. If someone, if a sweet girl like Love, can learn from an ex-wimp and doormat like me, well why shouldn't I tell her what I've learned? Why should I not try to stop her from making my same stupid mistakes? Does that make me a "sage"? Does it mean I speak in absolutes? Of course NOT!


I only speak from real world experience. I only speak from having been a young girl in love with a boy who thought he was better than me. A boy who though I should cater to his every whim.


Magic and Johan..have YOU both been there? I doubt it.

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Haha...I'm nobody's bitch, bitch!


Sorry for all this, lovestruck...as long as you're still enjoying the attention.


Pretentious? Moi?


Yes, you're MY bitch. You're arrogant and pretentious and you offer nothing as far as hellping lovestruck...nothing. You're just wasting space and air.

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And despite what some people think, I really wish them the best.


Magic and sidekick..have YOU both been there? I doubt it.

I haven't been anywhere. Well, anywhere but nowhere (the middle of).


Calm down. All we have to go on is words. I'm not saying that it would necessarily help to see your body (or hear your tone of voice), but it makes for less confusion as to your motives.


Take this.

...sorry but it's true. You'll see.

That's what pricked my ears.


Did I once ask you to go away? No. I suggest you rethink your caustic attitude towards me, bitch.

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I haven't been anywhere. Well, anywhere but nowhere (the middle of).


Calm down. All we have to go on is words. I'm not saying that it would necessarily help to see your body (or hear your tone of voice), but it makes for less confusion as to your motives.


Take this.


That's what pricked my ears.


Did I once ask you to go away? No. I suggest you rethink your caustic attitude towards me, bitch.


ha ha!!!!:lmao::laugh: "Caustic" attitude!:laugh::lmao: Too funny!

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I know, I'm kinda confusing myself...:o


My point is....We have gone through alot BUT most of those times he has off-loaded it onto me...leading me back to a previous point, he can't take the blame for anything.


I always seem to be the one trying to mend it back together again. It's like he just wants to run away from it all and he doesn't care...


I've tried to tell him that sometimes it seems as though he doesn't care and he'll come back with "Tess, I'm a bloke, I'm not one of you women, I don't carry on with the sh*t you do...what do you want me to do about it? Turn gay? I learn to get over things, it's about time you did too..."



does he have this attitude only towards the *small* arguments you might have (or towards whatever argument that might genuinely look like a minor thing to him - if he is dismissing your feelings AND realizing how important some things are to you it's a totally different story!) or will also act this way when facing bigger problems? (or problems he can actually see as problems, too, and that possibly do not involve talking about "feelings" since men seem so unconfortable with it - again, I do not want to dismiss how you feel towards him and your sister- I'd be unconfortable too if I were in your place.)


I think it would make a great difference.

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I dont think your crazy or obsessive. I think you know your sister best, and I know a womans instinct is never wrong(almost). If I was you I would be angry too, and hurt. I would confront them both at the same time. and your boyfriend seems like a real ass. but then again so does mine.. :mad: anyway, from personal experience it's not good news at all, girls, family or not, are decietful and can be hurtful. I think its awful he doesnt respect you and then sneaks to hang out with your sister! to be perfectly honest, im in(well was in) the same situation basically and a man who acts as you said yours does (because thast JUST how my man was...) I think he would give in if he hasnt already. :sick: men make me sick. so do girls like your sister. :mad:

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