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Do sisters like the same guys?


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It is possible and in some cases it does occur. As for personal experience, my twin sister and i don't have that commonality. She likes the bad boys type like Tommy Lee..and i prefer the intellectual silent-types, lol...So it depends from person to person, i guess.

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I've had this problem with one of my sisters for a long time. She would date a guy, then he would date me and I wouldn't know he had dated her. Or sometimes we like the same guy at the same time. And once we were with the same guy at the same time but that was in high school so it shouldn't have to count.


And one time her bf told her that I got together with him when I had only met him once in the presence of others. He was hitting on me and I ignored it so he got mad and spread a rumor that we had sex.


My sister didn't talk to me for a while and to this day everyone thinks I did because he swears by it and I don't put energy defending myself. I hadn't seen him in years until he sent me a friend request on myspace and asks to see me now and then. I've told him to set the record straight but he just laughs it off.


Even her ex husband would hit on me. It is strange how the men in her life seep into mine. We are night/day her and me so that is also strange. The most recent occurance was a couple of months ago. She had been seeing someone a few years ago and this year got back together. She was thinking of moving in together, they both have children and all that.


Well, he too sent me a friend request on myspace so I added him thinking he's just my sister's SO. He starts flirting, sends his number, keeps asking to take me out. I finally told my sister and she got in a fight with him and broke up. She was a little upset at me I could sense.

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It's relatively common that sisters might like the same kind of guys because they come from the same background - while it is certainly more uncommon for sisters (even twin sisters) to keep crushing on the very same individuals.

Unless of course there is some unhealthy form of competition going on between them.

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Me and my sis are opposites in what we like for guys. She likes more GQ type guys I like a little less maintenence. Still good looking and clean but not so clean cut.

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