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Just gonna tell him.

lone she-wolf

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I know that I have to put it out there, verbally, with this person once and for all.

I am now in a situation, where I have committed myself in an on-going musical project with a friend, whom I've developed strong feelings for. At this point, I feel it has me so pre-occupied that the only way for ME to be at peace is to just tell him. I don't even feel like trying to date anyone until I get this delt with, one way or another. Had I not agreed to a musical partnership with him, it would be easier. I know that. The problem is that I'm petrified. I have never done this before. For months I felt that I would rather not know how how feels about me. His signals are there, but like many others on this board, I have a hard time being certain. I can look at his proposition to become music partners as his way of getting closer to me, or as a way for him to permanantly "friend-zone" me. I find myself behaving stand-offish with him because I'm so afraid he can see right through me. Getting rejected, as a potential lover will be AGONIZING for me, but I am afraid he will meet someone else and....


I guess what I would love to see from people here on the board is a possible creative way I can bring this up to him, without making him feel uncomfortable, if he does not feel the same. The only thing I came up with so far is to make a joke somehow? I know MANY ask for this very same advice and I find it a bit of an epidimic at this point. Maybe to hear from people who HAVE done the talk and what happened to them would be good. I know I'm beating a dead horse with this topic, but as many know, this problem can REALLY suck. Also, I do believe that friends can have feelings for one another, but neither will take the plunge with the conversation. For that possibility alone, I feel it my duty to be the one to just do it. I just want to be slick with HOW I do it.

P.S. I am NOT afraid of losing the friendship.


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