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confusion and men


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Every woman is confused about what goes on in the heads of men. My boyfriend of two years decided that he was wavering he love for me. We decided to break up and he moved out of the house. I felt like i wanted to die. There is not mistake that i love and am in love with him. he make my day and I thought he felt the same way. two months ago he wanted us to get married soon and now he doesn't know if he loves me. we have tried to date but his heart isn't into it right now but we spent the whole weekend together...as friends...and had a blast. he would constantly say that he was such an idiot and that he does love me. If so than why is he doing this. no one can figure him out. his family, friends...everyone thinks he's so confused. On sunday he showed up to my house at 1:30 in the morning just to say hi. Is this the actions of a man who is not in love with me? sometimes i think that he got cold feet and he ran to see what else was out in the world for him, like he doesn't want to miss anything. My heart tells me that he just needs time and my head says that I have to stop thinking about it and get on with my life. It is definately easier said than done.

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There are actually stages of emotions that you go through whenyou experience a loss, so if you know that the two of you cannot be together, you also should realize that eventually you will feel normal and human again.


But it sounds to me like your boyfriend is having a very real personal identity crisis. He doesn't know what he really wants, he doesn't know himself. If he's inhis early twenties, or even his mid twenties,this is normal because he's in he developmental stage called "youth," which is actually just an extended period of adolescence.


If he's older than than that, he may just be having a personal crisi, in which case you need to be aware of your own feelings and first and foremost protect yourself.

Every woman is confused about what goes on in the heads of men. My boyfriend of two years decided that he was wavering he love for me. We decided to break up and he moved out of the house. I felt like i wanted to die. There is not mistake that i love and am in love with him. he make my day and I thought he felt the same way. two months ago he wanted us to get married soon and now he doesn't know if he loves me. we have tried to date but his heart isn't into it right now but we spent the whole weekend together...as friends...and had a blast. he would constantly say that he was such an idiot and that he does love me. If so than why is he doing this. no one can figure him out. his family, friends...everyone thinks he's so confused. On sunday he showed up to my house at 1:30 in the morning just to say hi. Is this the actions of a man who is not in love with me? sometimes i think that he got cold feet and he ran to see what else was out in the world for him, like he doesn't want to miss anything. My heart tells me that he just needs time and my head says that I have to stop thinking about it and get on with my life. It is definately easier said than done.
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Totally Confused

Scroll down and go back to the posting on October 1, written by Stan, titled "Confused." It will give you insight as to what's probably going on in your boyfriends head. Everything your boyfriend is going through with you, is what Stan is going through with his girlfriend. Then you can read Stan's updated posting on October 19, titled "I made a decision." You might find this very helpful. I would also read some of the feedback people have been giving him, it will make you understand where your boyfriend is coming from and why he's doing what he's doing. Good Luck

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