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Sending mixed signals


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So at the start of this semester, about 4 weeks ago I met this really cute girl working in a bookstore, I never really talked to her that much though we exchanged smiles and she helped me find some of the books I was looking for. So then, to my surprise I find that she and I are taking the same class together. After the first couple days of class I work up the courage to start talking to her. And so we talk about menial stuff, etc etc. We end up sitting close to each other, and now we sit side by side. I really like her and she seems like the type of girl that I would love to be with.


She is one of these quiet types, rarely looking people in the eyes, never really talks to anyone in the class except me (only when I talk to her first though). Anywayz, I get the impression that she's a shy, "I need my space" type of girl. She seems very timid. She's also scorpio I might add. (She's got the whole, figuring people out, being secretive thing). Anyhow, this kind of puzzles me because I don't know how to read her, how to tell if she likes me etc. Hell, I'm not even certain that she likes talking to me--she might feel harrassed and just not have the courage to tell me.


However, there have been positive moments, I've gotten her to laugh, and I squeeze at least 3 smiles out of her per class, and she actually looks and me and greets me when she sees me in class now. I've talked with her about a variety of different things, usually I ask the questions. Anywayz, what I'm trying to say is we talk--somewhat comfortably.


But she never asks me any questions, like when I asked her how old she was, if she had a boyfriend (which she doesn't), and where she went to school--she never inquired about me. Which kind of leaves me thinking that she's completely uninterested. What do you think?

After class today, me and her left the classroom somewhat together so I started talking to her and kinda started walking with her--to wherever she was going. I tell her I have a class in 10 minutes--she is just going to hang out and study for an hour so I figure I'll just talk to her for a bit. So I ask her if she has a boyfriend, and she says no. I expected her to ask me if I had a girlfriend, but nope. (I guess some girls can tell, since you're pursuing them and all). Anywayz, we share an awkward silence for a few seconds and then I think of something to say and we go on and start talking about how we're going to get A's in the Economics class we're taking. I ask her if she has met alot of people yet, since this is her first year at this college. She replies, "no, but its not that bad because I like my space." (How should I interpret this?) So we apparently passed where she usually studies, she was kind of following me--even though I didn't know where we were going. (I guess she's either polite or submissive) Anywayz, so she just stops, says, "Well, Bye". and walks off.


So what should I be thinking right now..... I can't tell whether she's just shy and quiet, or uninterested and just being polite. I have plans to ask her out in the next 2 weeks, based on how things go--but I really want to be able to understand the situation before risking rejection. Not to save myself a rejection, but I want try to understand her, work things out how I want them, and then ask her out when things are stacked in my favor. Timing is key, not too soon, not too late. And that's why I need your help.


Here are my questions:

What do you think of this particular situation based on what I've told you?

How do you read shy girls?

How can I tell whether a shy girl is just being polite or if she's actually interested in me?

What have I done wrong so far?

What should I do now?


Should I call it quits or just keep going for her?

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You can tell if a shy girl is interested when you ask her out and she says yes or no.


It seems like a huge task to take on and the fear of rejection, etc. But going back and forth is so much better? You are wasting time when you could be dating her or focusing on someone else who does want to date you. Ask her out for coffee after the class or <bold move> ask her out to dinner on a Friday night.


Ask girls out. Some of them will say yes. Some of them will say no. But don't get stuck trying to interpret glances and small sentences. You're in college! Live it up!

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