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Found Out About You!!!

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Ok well was dating this girl for about 4 years and she broke up with me about a month ago, i did the NC hoping she would come back since all that broke us up was this stuuuupid fight. Well i broke contact cause all my friends were telling me she was talking to some new guy, well i knew where he lived so (i know this is stalker **** but...) i called her and had a 20 minute talk on the phone, i had asked her if she was seeing this new guy she said NO! I asked her if she had sex with him she said NO! I asked her if she had been over his apartment she said NO! she said since it was like 1 am she was going to bed and dont call back tonight...i said ok. Well i drive to his apartment and sit a few cars down and no longer than 15 mins later her car pulls up parks right in front (pretty good for never being there) he runs out they start kissing by her car and thats when i had a huge grin on my face and in my head said GOTCHA!!! Drove off and i will never look back again. She is a LIAR, and a LIAR!!!! lol

She has cheated on me in the past too, like 3 times in our 4 year relation****.



so i just wanted to post this because im sooo relived i was wondering the whole time what i did wrong and felt like the victim, but i am not because it wasnt over this fight it was she wanted out of this relationship.


So just give me some comments PLEASEEEE to make me really strong.



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It should be no surprise since she cheated on you 3 times in the past. The question you need to ask yourself is why did you continue to stay with a person who continued to cheat on you? If you do not respect yourself then who will?

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Ahem. Allow me to make my comments. A couple of things really stood out for me:


and she broke up with me about a month ago,


i did the NC



Well i broke contact


why? read on:


Well i broke contact cause all my friends were telling me she was talking to some new guy,


Based on the information supplied, I fail to see in this particular circumstance how she "cheated" on you. You and her were broken up already.


Now, it is true that she lied to you when you asked her if she was seeing this new guy, and if she knew where he lived (etc) but could the reason she lied to you be because:

and she broke up with me about a month ago,

and it is no longer your concern who she is with?

She could also be a little scared or intimidated given your propensity towards this line of thinking:

well i knew where he lived so (i know this is stalker **** but...)


I just didnt want you to be confused. You and her were split up when this secret rendezvous happened. Why were you following her if you and her werent together anymore?


She has cheated on me in the past too, like 3 times in our 4 year relation****.

That may very well be, but in this particular circumstance, she wasnt cheating on you.


The best way to make yourself stronger is not by stalking your EX-girlfriend and "pretending" she is still cheating on you by calling her and questioning her and following her around, but by letting go and moving on and leaving it all in the past, along with her.





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No contact exists for a reason. If you are the type that gets hung up on a girl (which clearly you are), then no contact means NO CONTACT. Why do you care who she is seeing? Forget about it! Who cares about her? You split, she cheated on you, the relationship is over forever, move on already!


Look - you "stalked" her to find out something that was nagging at you. So you can be forgiven this one lapse, because you wanted to satisfy your curiosity. But now that you know 100% that she cheated and lied, you know the score. So surely you have got closure and can move on for good? Go out, get drunk with your friends, date around, get laid, no need to act like stalker man again! I suggest you simply forget this silly ho and get on with living your life - there are plenty of better women out there.

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