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HAHA I smoked weed with my MIL


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Last night i had my mil and her friend come over for some drinks an h'douves (sp)

So we get a little sauced and she siad her friend wanted to smoke..and I am the potehad of all potheads soooo I called my guy..he came over and haha we smoked..i was a good time!

Does anyone find this odd?

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Last night i had my mil and her friend come over for some drinks an h'douves (sp)

So we get a little sauced and she siad her friend wanted to smoke..and I am the potehad of all potheads soooo I called my guy..he came over and haha we smoked..i was a good time!

Does anyone find this odd?

i find it Odd that the pothead of all potheads had to call a guy to bring weed over! You did not have any there already? :confused:

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Odd? Well, maybe a little. Sounds like fun though.


I have an aunt who happens to enjoy the sauce on occasion, and she's been invited over to our cottage campfires plenty of times when it's just us "younger folks" there. (When I say "younger," I mean we're all in our 30s and 40s, while she's 74.) She's a hoot when she's got a snootful!

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Yeah um, I smoked with more than one BF's mom, back in the day. I thought it was weird. Didn't like it.


Also ifyou're the pothead of potheads, yeah -- how come you didn't have your own sack?

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Also ifyou're the pothead of potheads, yeah -- how come you didn't have your own sack?


Yeah, same question here:laugh:.

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Yeah, same question here:laugh:.


I have to replenish sometime! That just so happen to be the time!


it was fun..didnt seem weird at all..she even tanked me for making her feel young again!

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Ok, but generally a pothead of all potheads will resupply before smoking their last g. :p


I'm just busting your chops :laugh:

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I have to replenish sometime! That just so happen to be the time!

isn't that ALWATS the way.... the BEST day to have some on hand....and ya don't!

it was fun..didnt seem weird at all..she even tanked me for making her feel young again!

i think you both got Tanked!:lmao: :lmao:


she is not the type to ever use this against you is she? i mean she sounds ok.... but i have known some wierdos who could pass as sane.

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I went out w/a guy who's mom, at our first meeting, was smoking a one hitter. AND - she didn't offer me any. :mad::lmao:


She did offer me a Pepsi, though.

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I think you all need to be arrested


i think you need to go back to church! Stop preaching and loosen up...Have a good time!


its only pot...its not like were shootin up heroin

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Why? So the cops can cop our stash?


OHHH Man, that is so damm true, even worse is when you have to beg them for just a little nug while they are confiscating (off the record of course) your last eighth.

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i think you need to go back to church! Stop preaching and loosen up...Have a good time!


its only pot...its not like were shootin up heroin


HEY HEY there, not all church people think pot is evil


Genesis 1:11-12


11. And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. 12. And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.


I prefer the seedless herbs myself, but you get the drift.

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