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Workout suggestions

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burning 4 revenge

Okay, so this is me


5'8 and as of this morning 148.5 lbs on the scale.


I am thinnish, but lacking in muscle tone. I smoke 5-10 cigarettes per day (usually somewhere in the middle-Marlboro Lights) depending on the circumstances of that day.


I once was in pretty good shape. I ran about 15 miles a week from my mid-teens until my early to mid twenties. In my late twenties I started a weight regimen that is called a four-day split. Two days per week on my legs, two days per week upper body. I got in the best shape of my life in terms of strength and tone. I did this for about eighteen months, or so and then just stopped.


Now I do nothing. So I want to shape up again, but I need to ease back in. I've heard a lot about circuits and so-called express workouts. I joined a gym today and this is what I am thinking-


Circuit; leg press, chest press, lat pull down, crunch machine: repeated for a cycle of three / 20 minutes cardio; 5 days per week


In addition to this I want to integrate a nicorette with cutting the ciggies to three per day


I want to keep this routine for three months and then hopefully for my New Year's resolution quite smoking completely and do the four day split again. I just don't want to bite off more than I can chew at the moment and give up.


Do any of you healthy people have any additions/ subtractions/ reccomendations for me? Can I do this and be in good standing by say, like X-Mas? Any input is greatly appreciated.

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