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Leaving a chase but acting distant

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Granted, I think i started out in quick sand. But- here is what happened....I started talking to this girl for a month pretty much everday for atleast an hour plus on the phone and we did do somethings together that would go beyond the friendship bubble. However, she is about 4 to 5 months out of a long-term relationship. She obviously is still somewhat attached to this guy, because after about a month she went into this great depression and obsession over this guy. She said we probably should not talk anymore because i alluded to maybe being in a relationship not currently but later when she was more prepared to enter into one.


I received calls every couple of days even after she said that....and now she pretty much says shes to busy to do anything which is basically not true. But i get this message after not talking for a couple of weeks and its like asking how im doing and blah blah blah. I definitely want to stay distant, but i also want to say something that may entice her. I know this is probably beating a something thats already dead. but just curious on any thoughts.

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